Wow Character Creation How Important Is It?

Wow has a lot of races and a lot of classes with a lot of customization features. Once you decide on Race and Class. And that this particular Character will be a keeper. How important is it for you to get your character to look exactly the way you want it to look for the long-run from level 1 to max level?

How much time are you willing to invest in creating your character so that you are happy with the end result? And how in-depth are you willing to go to transmog your character so it looks perfect for you?

So how much does Character Creation impact your long term gaming experience?

I have like 3 options as a Pandaren, usually takes 5 times as long to write out my new name because I dont know how to write tones on keyboard.

Warcraft is pretty simple, and nowadays you can change virtually everything besides your race whenever you want, but before the barbershop changes I would spend a pretty significant amount of time tailoring my character into something I like because I’d be stuck with it unless I shelled out money or remade the character.

In games with more robust character creators, it’s not unusual for me to spend hours getting everything exactly how I want it.

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A lot.


Big much.


As to the the end result unfortunately not as much as I’d like. I don’t dungeon much, don’t touch mythics, and rarely raid - so I take what I can get and make the most of it.

Sometimes I hit the AH for the “on sale” rack, lol, and grab some cheaper gear to transmog. And in game grind my teeth when I get an upgrade until I can transmog it back! (like now!) Though I’m always going for the best look I can I’m limited by choice of gameplay. So basically it doesn’t change my game play.

Though I really like to just create characters to play dress up. :wink:

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No character is a keeper until I have adventured with them for a while.

But in the initial stages on a scale of one to ten, the importance of looks is an eleven. Because I am shallow. I made and deleted three night elf druids until the hairstyle ‘shaggy’ came out because their looks were ‘off’ to me and the longer I played them, the more it bothered me.

As long as it takes.

I ran Shadowfang Keep relentlessly on four different character over several days for a total of 88 runs to get ‘Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic’ to create the perfect outfit for my night elf druid.

If the character’s name, look, race and class don’t completely align in my head, it doesn’t matter what level she reaches, she will eventually be deleted. Not downgraded to a bank alt, oblivion !

Now, all that said, I can also make a silk pouch out of a sow’s ear if I have to and did back in Cata.

I tried GW2 while on my last break from WoW and by the time I was half way thru, I needed a beer and a shot of tequila to keep me going.

And I don’t drink and game!

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Its important because the only things left after the apocalypse will be cockroaches and wow characters.
You won’t remember me , but you will remember my cows.
I dont usually transmog below max level and every time I spend the cash something happens, I get a 490 spaulders drop or the season ends, or something always happens to mess my mog up.
A sure fire way to get better gear to drop , is to mog your character.

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A wise sage once said: You can’t fight crime if you ain’t cute.


I went through the grind of reearning TL3 specifically so I could post this in transmog-based threads.



Depends on how vast the Creator in question is. In wow i can put together a character together in under 5 minutes. Then spend over 3 hours trying to come up with a good name that hasn’t already been taken.

Quite hugely very substantial increase to the high yes.

Seriously though its incredibly important, I want to play a decrepit undead warlock, with all the features of one who has clawed their way from the grave. If I didn’t have this, if I couldn’t invest into that aspect, it would make the experience so much more dull imo.


More customization is always a good thing, even if it’d lead to worgen and Vulpera looking like sparkle dogs.

It only takes a few minutes to get a level 1 to the point where their appearance is good enough to level in, and a few more minutes to transmog and make barbershop changes later. It’s really not a big concern for me.