WoW Character Armory search

Hello, I just recently got back into playing WoW and decided to look around the forums. For some reason whenever I click on my characters it shows all the armor information except my character being just a shadow. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

It does take some time for the armory to update, especially for characters below max level.

Well, its been weeks but closer to a month or two since my armory images have even bothered to actually look like they do in game now.

So why is that? Those I am referring to are all max level.

Besides I’ve found two threads that have other postings about this problem of not updating.

Why even bother having a forum/armory image that is supposed to reflect current character appearances if they do not update as you update your character look?

An excellent point. As I do not work for Blizzard, I’m not able to answer that.

I’m guessing this is outdated?

(this image will autodelete in 1 week)

It’s been bugged like this for at least a few weeks now for all of my characters and there are several threads going in the Website Bug Report forum that others are experiencing it as well. Any new characters or character transfers etc show as silhouettes unless there happened to be a recently-deleted character with the same name still stuck in the database, and your image will show that character, which may be the wrong faction/race/class/gender. My older characters haven’t shown updated transmog at all in that timeframe either.

Yea, that image is a bit old and dusty now. But I still don’t understand why we have an armory if its full of silly bugs like this. And this is not the first time I’ve seen this happen either.

But you will note that at this moment my character’s appearance is current to what I have in game. But it just now changed when I clicked on my change character link. So if its really adjusting correctly, but adjustment is delayed, why is it delayed so long.

I went for almost a month before seeing the spider outfit which is what I was using when that image was fresh. But I changed to the black mageweave set over a week and a half ago and today is the only time it showed up.

We all love the Armory. Thing is it is considered Beta and a perk by Blizzard. Not part of what you pay for when you subscribe. I know there is odd logic at play there.

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