Wow Capped at 60 FPS

Hey there, I left wow after the launch of the first raid and I’m attempting to return to the game, but I seem to be running into a frustrating issue. No matter what I do, in both Windowed and Fullscreen Borderless mode, Wow seems to be capped at 60 FPS (No other game is suffering from these issues). I have tried both classic, and retail and both seem to be suffering from the same problem. Before leaving wow on my hiatus, I was able to run wow sufficiently at a steady 100-200 FPS depending on the environment and view distance.

—Computer Specs—
Intel Core I5-7600k - 5ghz All Cores
Nvidia GTX 1070
32gb DDR4 3200mhz
1TB Samsung EVO 840 SSD
Windows 10 Home
Primary Monitor: Acer Predator xb241H
Secondary and Tertiary monitors: BenQ GW2480

Here are a few of the solutions I have tried while scouring the internet:

Management of in-game Settings:
-Enabled, then re-disabled Vertical Sync
-Ensured Check boxes next to the sliders are unchecked.
-Attempted to enable sliders and set to max values
-Attempted both windowed and fullscreen borderless mode
-Reduced settings to bare bones minimum to rule out hardware bottlenecks

NVidia settings
-Checked that universal G-sync and V-Sync were disabled.
-Tried re-enabling and Disabling for same
-Disabled secondary and Tertiary monitor in the control panel
-Physically unplugged same monitors
-Ensured that primary monitor is set to 144hz (Removed OC from 160)

Windows Settings (all done with only the primary monitor connected)
-Windows display settings, verified monitor set to 144hz
-All Wow EXE’s were placed in compatibility mode for Win 7 (Reverted later to original settings)
-All Wow EXE properties changed to disable fullscreen scaling (Reverted to original after)
-Re-installed Nvidia Drivers
-Disabled ALL background programs not vital to windows, relaunched wow
-Booted wow in safe mode with networking

I have been trying to fix this to no avail, if anyone has any other solutions that I have not tried, I would be most welcome to hear them!

Update: I have fully uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Still looking for solutions!

You gotta disable vertical sync. Its in the system menu under graphics at top right

Thats what needs fixed.


I remember there being an issue with 2nd monitors affecting the primary monitor’s refresh rate but I was pretty sure that was fixed in a driver release since. Maybe try unplugging the 2nd from the comp and seeing if the problem persists. Make sure when you install gpu drivers you’re using DDU. I can’t tell you how many problems can be solved w/ DDU.

Thanks for the input, But I am looking for solutions not already mentioned in the original post. Still looking for solutions, from what I can tell a lot of people have been having the problem since the DX12 update with no luck at finding a solution. Hopefully someone out there has the magic fix!

Edit: Tried reinstalling the graphics drivers as per Faytel’s suggestion. still no success =(

Im expeiencing the same issues as the original poster describes. Tried unistalling and reinstalling everything excelpt the OS. Still i’m capped ate 60 fps (no VSync enabled, no MIN-MAX FPS enabled)

PS. My FPS got locked at 60 just after shadowlands pre-patch

Hi Giulia

Let’s take a look at your DXDiag system report. You might want to start your own thread. We like folk to have their own troubleshooting threads - avoids confusion. This could get locked because its a Necro.

Provide the DXDiag system report on your new thread:

The second section of page has DXDiag report instructions - we don’t require the MSinfo report.

That will be a wall of text. If you have issues pasting on the Forum here go ahead and put it up on Provide the link code portion of the URL - example below.

(The green bold portion at the end of this example link: <=== this code)

Alternately you can place the link in a Preformatted Text box. Paste the link in the chatbox - then highlight it. Click the preformatted text button along the top of the chatbox - looks like this </>

Will look like this example afterwards:

The 9.0.1 patch turned vsync back on as a default. Have you double checked the setting since the patch?


That’s the solution guys!!!

same issue years later. no vsync, my monitor is 240 Hz, this trash game will not run past 60 fps no matter what I do.

Check your global Nvidia/AMD control panel settings because any Vsync setting there will supersede the game’s setting.

Also, Windows defaults to 60hz for refresh rate, even if the monitor goes higher:

  1. Press start
  2. Type resolution
  3. Click “change the resolution of the display” that appears in the list
  4. Scroll down to “advanced display”
  5. Click the “choose a refresh rate” dropdown
  6. Pick something that isn’t 60hz, like 240hz or w/e your monitor is advertised as

You’ve likely always been using the display at 60hz and have Vsync enabled globally. This is a you problem, not a Blizzard problem.

Oh and one more thing, if you have reflex or reflex+boost enabled (or the AMD equivalent), it will also limit your FPS to a few below the refresh rate. So if your monitor is set to 60hz, reflex will cap it to like 57 or something. 120hz caps to 116, 144hz caps to 138, and so on. It can act like a vsync cap basically, even if vsync is disabled both globally and in game.