Wow BNet Launcher slow to open (not the game, the actual launcher)

My BNet / WoW Launcher takes a good 10-15 seconds actually open and show any signs of response after clicking the executable. I’m not talking about launching the game, I mean the Launcher window with all the Blizzard stuff.

M2 drive, same as OS
Tried installing on secondary SSD, same delay.
Cleared Bnet cache. Same delay.

What is the application doing during that delay? Is it negotiating network handshake or something? Do I need to open more ports?

Looks like you tried some things, now check how much space you have on the wow drive, that it is not security slowing it down, or make sure it is running in admin mode. Mine usually starts at start up, but I restarted just to check and counted about 8 seconds. If it is 10 or so, should not mean it’s corrupted nor that your pc is not up to requirement.

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