Wow blizzard who woulda guessed

looks like making healers utterly immortal doesnt even help que times lmao whoop dee doo

now do us all a favor and utterly annihilate their tankiness and slap on that tank modifier on them for us

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Dunno, Blitz queues are usually pretty reasonable.

Just turns out casuals don’t want to play arena of any form when not forced to.


i mean watching the same goldfish in the bowl swim in a whirlpool formation like in s1 DF with shuffle ofc theyll be reasonable “for now”. next season its going to die off really hard when blizzard cracks down on the MMR like in shuffle s1 DF.

noones qing shuffle and with no arena im angry

also on the 22nd i get my big blue kydrav sword as well :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I’m with you that 3 healers are really strong right now, and even the not really strong ones are pretty strong in certain situations/comps, but making healers weak af is not going to help queue times either, and imo would make them even worse.

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Well, gee, I wonder where the primary issue would lie then.

Even if that does come to pass, that isn’t going to help arena’s activity relative to Blitz. Arena – especially non-Shuffle 3v3 – has never been a casually popular form of PvP.

Shuffle itself was popular in S1 of DF because of the rating, yes, but it was also uniquely unpopular with healers (and thus, had adversely affected queue times) because it turns out healing hyper-dampened 3s isn’t fun, and healers were disproportionately hurt rather than incentivized by its design choices.

That same issue isn’t going to affect Blitz. Rather, it’ll have continued popularity regardless because battlegrounds are just far more casually appealing than arena.

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gunna be great.

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I don’t think gutting healer survivability is going go make them decide to start queuing, man. Lol

Healing is an illogical role. Not only do people utilize mechanics to make your job harder, but the game itself stacks a debuff that does it as well. The role feels unrewarding to play. So the only incentive to do it are easy rewards. Whatever bracket is the most rewarding is where you’ll find healers.

obviously having them immortal isnt making them que either

it lies with blizzard making FOTM classes do utterly insane damage and have mechanics that just want to make you uninstall the game (frost mage and MM) that makes healers not want to heal

healers hate shuffle cause theyre locked in a match for 6 whole rounds at the mercy of 4 other apes wanting to parse and also FOTM rerollers abusing busted damage. healers are already not liking blitz cause of the same stuff with shuffle (locked in a match at the mercy of other players)

yes. it. is. literally going to happen just like blitz and S2 DF where next to noone was qing cause of DHS literally ripping people apart and balance being all over the place everyones just going to drop it and the casuals will stay at a far lower rating than anyone else causing insane que times. 5 min q in s1 of DF while in s2 it jumped to nearly 30-40 min just to get ONE lobby

thats what healers in DF said and now theyre immortal and theyre saying this still smh :roll_eyes:

if youre a healer in shuffle you are literally the thing that makes you either win or lose. if you fail to get obj you lose. you take obj you win. if DPS picks up obj they die INSANELY easier than a healer. if you dont think that and you que you are griefing your team HARD

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Almost like blitz is WAY more forgiving for casual/bad players because they can rez and still play and/or get carried instead of insta dying/losing.

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I think it’s more the fact that at the 2 min mark the healing role becomes obsolete in shuffle but is still relevant in blitz.

make all healers squishy and deletable so monks have an edge with mobility to kite the zug zug melee

this way when they inevitably nerf monk mobility they’ll hit us on both blitz and arenas, it’ll be great :^)

I sit in 8min queues for league, and 8 min queues for WoW.

Can’t you just smile and have fun?

Please visit the battlegrounds section and tell me casuals want to play blitz. Nothing but finger pointing and crying over there It’s riding high because it’s by a mile the easiest rating.

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(1) The WoW forums aren’t indicative of much beyond the WoW forums.

(2) Every WoW sub-forum is dominated by crying, lmao.

Well if you’ve played blitz you’d notice just about every game one or multiple people are throwing fits so that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Even with the rating being extremely free in comparison to other brackets ques are already drying up during the day significantly in comparison to the first few weeks.

That is literally every WoW PvP mode. LFG, shuffle, blitz, random BGs.

Make no mistake, the mode has its issues to iron out, just like Shuffle did and does. But both are inherently far more casually appealing because of their solo queue nature. That is simply the present and future of all online competitive multiplayer games. No one likes communicating or forming teams anymore.

And statistically, random battlegrounds have always been far and away more popular than arena. It is the preferred game mode for casuals as long as there is no barrier to entry ala RBGs.

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It’s almost like an extremely vocal negative community mental about “game is bad” and “deflation” is actual detrimental to the health of the game. Huh. Who’d have thought?!

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It can be scary to learn a new role but healing is so much more fun than being a dps rotation bot right now. If you want to tip the scales be your own healer.

Almost like the problem is bad dps acting like they’re multi r1 and disparaging healers