WoW Baby Names

Captain Placeholder.


Lillith, Carmylla, or Mylnesia those sound like nice name for me personally. If it’s a boy I would leave the naming to the father, so far I could agree on the names of Xer’thuron or Anathar .

Vodkanokers Jr.

I lol’d hard at this one , man that got me chuckling, I’d frikken lose it if I heard someone shouting that at their small toddler! :rofl:

as someone named after their parent’s dog, I probably shouldn’t judge.

but none of them. don’t saddle a kid with a name from Warcraft :confused:


Did your parents really name you after their dog? :thinking:

Although I named my one cat Chuck and my dog Norris, my other cat is called Durotan, I’m 100% serious. I would not name my child Durotan but nothing else is off limits at this point.

Kind of…

They had a dog named Sam when they got married, she died just a month before the oldest of us was born.

They named their kids, in this order, names that started with S. then A. then M.

They claim it’s a coincidence.

haha that is awesome.

yea I would totally name a pet after a warcraft character… but not a baby

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I think it was a female, though? So it doesn’t matter. It would just seem like a cool name, to other people. They might think she was Russian.

Though this game seems to last forever, I don’t see it making it another 18 years. I think young people think of their kid’s names like tattoos; The difference is, you have a context for the stupid tattoo you get. Meanwhile, your daughter has no idea whey she is named “Bwonsamedi.”

Mini kil’jaeden.

Ok was thinking you had a name like Fido or something /chuckle

Some people get very attached to animals, I think it’s rather cute you busted your parents baby naming scheme! Haha!

:beers: /cheers!

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Im think a good name for a girl would be Nimi, from the NPC hunter in Tanaan Jungle, and at main Horde base. Her name was: Nimi Brightcastle.

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If you think about it Uther and Arthas were most likely inspired by Uther and Arther Pendragon

Sylvanas , vareesa, Alleria are normal to you?

omg, that’s hilarious. I need to catch up on their new stuff. haven’t watched family guy in a long time but that gave me a laugh.

Bondo is a solid baby name.

Hogger. 10char