Are there any plans for a separate armory for Wow Classic characters?
In Cataclysm the game becomes significantly more competitive and I think most would appreciate PVP leaderboards and seeing achieves, at a minimum.
Are there any plans for a separate armory for Wow Classic characters?
In Cataclysm the game becomes significantly more competitive and I think most would appreciate PVP leaderboards and seeing achieves, at a minimum.
You can already create your own armory with the API, and people have: classic-armory(.)org
Ive tried that website and it sucks, I cant find any of my characters on there… Doesnt seem to be a great solution
All characters are there, you’re probably not selecting the right Era.
I selected cata classic, and my correct server and region. None of of my 80s show up. Why are you so against a native Wow armory for Cata?
I’m not against a native armory, of course that’s preferred.
Which 80 isn’t showing up for you?
Ogc - Benediction
Female Human Rogue in the guild high test? It shows fine for me
classic-armory DOT org/character/us/cataclysm/benediction/ogc
nice, yes
still hope for a native armory but this will do
With the introduction of live character data in classic in the API a few months ago, I was really hoping we would see classic armory.
I guarantee more people play Classic and SOD than retail. It’s time, Blizzard.
“In my opinion there not much classic about Cata. I’m sorry but I’ll not support it.” ~Warmexx (Author of Armory)
Yeah, atlasforgeDOTgg/wow-cataclysm
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