Wow annual pass

Or they can add it to the game . 16 year anniversary is coming up

i canā€™t wait to see how chintzy they get this year anniversary.

No kidding . Something like the mog even though I donā€™t like it might of been a cool addition to the rewards this year for some people.

Iā€™m down with that

Thatā€™s the thing people are actually complaining about.

It feels like they are putting more effort into the store then into the game.

Itā€™s fine to put things into the store from time to time but show some love to the game and put unique stuff like that in for events and such .

What did we get last year ? A horse ,a wolf and a dragon mount. Ok so it was a DW mount but still a dragon and how long before people stopped using it .

Yeah but how many mounts did they add just in 8.3?
And new armor sets?
And battle pets?
And toys?

Store gets like less than 1% of the cosmetics each expansion adds.

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I wish worgen heritage armor had gotten as much love as this silly transmog Iā€™ll literally never use.

They could at least have given the worgens an actual rose on their lapels, instead of just painting one on.

a 50$ game and mount just for staying sub year it was a good deal

Not when that was one of the worst years of WoW and a lot of people wanted to quit, and Diablo 3 was absolutely terrible at launch for a long while.

As a paid with gold subscriber I demand to be treated 33% better than month to month cash subscribers and 36% better than 6 month subscribers since I pay in $20 increments and they only pay in $12.something

Couldnā€™t you use gold to build your blizzard balance to grab the 6 month sub? I honestly donā€™t know.

They donā€™t allow you to use Blizzard balance for your subscription in that way, all i really want is for Blizzard to announce some type of 6 month sub deal like this and me to be able to walk into the AH and buy 6 tokens, convert them into gametime and be eligible for the reward.


I didnā€™t know that. Thanks for the information. Why would they have that restriction? A sub is a sub is a sub.

I guess Blizzard loves their arbitrary restrictions. As you can tell from this thread, thereā€™s no shortage of people that are willing to jump to their defense and justify treating subscribers differently depending on how they pay for their sub.

They want it to be a recurring sub, not just six months of paid time. I agree it sucks, but they want that credit card info, probably because they know how common it is for people to forget to cancel recurring subscriptions. Out of sight, out of mind.


I would love another annual pass because I rarely pay for my sub in chunks. However, they should not bring back the original rewards. For one thing they canā€™t and for another they told us the mount was going to be exclusive. Plus, I want new rewards.

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Man, I would buy that right this very second. The exact same deal. Iā€™d pay extra for the beta access

This is the key right here.

Even if it only charges once more if they forgot to cancel thatā€™s now a 12 month sub not a 6 month.

The reason they wonā€™t give out the rewards for gold tokens has nothing to do with what anyone deserves. It has to do with the fact that there is no way to automatically recharge.

Plus, WoW tokens while making Blizz money are also the easiest to be ā€œcancelledā€. Just because someone is grinding gold for a sub now doesnā€™t mean they will be in the future. At any time they could just not make the gold or buy a token on a whim.

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Unfortunantely thatā€™s false.
Game token costs 5 euro (in EU) more than normal sub, and someone else has to buy one for you to be able to buy a token with gold.
They therefor earn 5 euro on each token bought compared to using real money for sub.

So this theory is broken.

how many were horses?