Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

I am strong for my bracket but there is usually a balance of geared and undergeared players on each time. Sometimes one side or the other has more geared players and I end up on either side of this happening, but that is pvp.

Its not different from the power disparity at end game. I hardly play either of my 120 characters anymore and let both of their item level linger at the 370s, but even they have twice as much HP as fresh 120s and easily kill them.

There are other games such as shooters and MOBAs where everyone starts the match on an equal basis, but in an MMO with a persistent world there is character development. You could try to play a shooter or MOBA instead of getting them to change an MMO into one.

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Right? My toon is missing a ring, no enchants or gems and two ilvl 5 pieces still. I’m not having half the problems these players are.

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Oh, I ate people alive when it wasn’t against a premade. I was dying to… what was it, two Moonfires or something? In fact, if you care to read over the conversation, that’s precisely what we’re talking about.

Capping level 60 btw.

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So you’re upset a premade killed you and not a single twink, thn you should be crying in those dozens and dozens of “why are premades ruining mah experience” threads.

Sure am and loving 60 :slight_smile:

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Sounds familiar. :thinking:


You give me the striking impression of someone that’s not read a lick of what we’ve been talking about.

Oh, how humble of you. You feel a bit strong for your bracket? You’re virtually unkillable in your bracket. Hell, you probably can’t even be pursued as a druid. And again, probably downing people with a couple instant casts. 1337

Sounds pointless to mention without context. :thinking:

As an aside, I wouldn’t actually include capping 60/70/80/etc. because those are caps for their expansions, but it’d be a damned shame if they’re also thrown in with the queues with everyone else.


You know exactly what I mean. It can be our little secret if it makes you happier.

You give me the striking impression of someone that’s a sore loser of a bg lose.

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Indeed, This thread was posted from a lvl 69 with current gear and almost fully enchanted.

More sore one of my favourite pastimes in WoW has been ruined by flimsy experience cappers that can’t be competitive at max so they ruin a good time for the levellers.

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Most overused false statement that I can’t believe people still throw around.

these guys get your point, but they cannot accept it, thats why you are getting all these personal attacks. Its just forum pvp for them and they will always want the last word. My advice is just do not respond to the trolls.

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I think players should have the choice of what they get into. Perhaps have 3 queues.

One is for xp locked only for twink fights(those who actually DO enjoy it).
One (the default) is the current mixed.
The last one is just basically levelers.
You select the one you want when you select your role.

I think this is better than just a blatant xp off here, xp on there. Although, I’m sure the queue times would increase, but the player choice would also so it’s a tradeoff I suppose.

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I pray for you man, I really do.

Funny, you guys cant accept the fact there’s nothing wrong with the current BG system. :thinking:


Recognize this one? :thinking:

Anything’s better than the current.

Farting would do just as much good and at least has a chance at giving a chuckle.

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I took my time to post some gearing options for you at 70.
You spent more on Xmog since then, instead of upgrades.

That is how I know this is an Agenda post.
Fake news.

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that is your opinion, and thats ok. I do not accept it because to me its a flawed system that discourages young players, especially when the game is bleeding people already.

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My post was about how twinks are ruining casual BGs.

You go on to advise me how to become one of said twinks.

That is not resolving the core problem.

You’ve explicitly stated you’re not willing to listen to reason.

The majority agrees with me.

Your side’s already won. I’ve stopped queueing for BGs and am robbed of a fun side activity to accompany my levelling.

My already very dim outlook on the game has become much more bleak.

I’m sharing why that’s so.

I’m hoping they’ll fix that. It looks like they will.

Was that easier to understand?