Wow, all these posts about twinks ruining BGs

There is the whole thing about “interpretation.” I’ve seen posts where Blizzard said they lowered how much experience is needed for most levels so people can level faster and certain people here actually thinking that they meant “so they can make twinks faster.” I don’t know where these people get these ideas from. We’ve seen these monkeyshines before.

I would disagree, have your win rates changed that much to solidify this comment?

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Maybe you like something about that bracket. For instance, this guy was made at a time before mounts were in the bracket. Others have preferred brackets for one reason or another as well. I’d also like to bring up that x9 isn’t the only level people twink at. x0, x4, 85, 101, etc… All people play the game differently.


I answered this above. I’m not answering questions already been answered again, I have to sleep soon. Scroll up if you care so much.

Yeaaah… that’s why they’re doing it. The level 39 maxed out, fully enchanted, BiS playing a FotM class and spec above is doing so because she likes her mount speed at the first range but not the second. The farming levellers bit is just a side thing!

There’s nothing left to discuss here. The purpose of twinking has never been more transparent.

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I’m not sure how your experience was worse at 30+, Warriors completely obliterate anything in sight. I’ve steamrolled people 3/4/5v1 with my CDs up and a saltwater.

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I couldn’t even get in range of anyone. This group was murdering us before we could even get in melee range. Their TRINKET was hitting me for about 70% health. Does it matter how hard I hit?

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Read the entirety of this thread, it is an interesting one for sure. :thinking:

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Double charge + double leap and you couldn’t get in range of anyone…? Yeah, this isn’t a twink issue, it’s a ‘I don’t know how to play my class’ issue.


if you are speaking about ramstein it will be rebalanced in the next patch.

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No, it’s a “You haven’t read anything I’ve said” issue. That same team was 1500/0’ing us, three-capping us, you name it. Go for discrediting me all you want, I really don’t care. I know what I can do. But you’re not only ignoring what I’ve said, you’re outright lying and changing the scenario.

That was it, and I was being hit by it nearly every time I spawned.

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Thats just busted in general, even seen levelers using it.

If that’s the case and it is getting fixed, thank friggin’ goodness. That was insufferable.

You’re not completely wrong, I wasn’t reading through 200+ posts of “i died 2 twinks a lot even though my bg stats say i win a lot more than i lose”. Sorry bud, way too many posts crying wolf on here lately about these full twink premades crushing them every single game.

I do have the feeling you have not read what we have posted in the other twink threads as well, I definitely feel reluctant about re-posting the same argument I’ve posted before repeatedly. If you want to know why I twink and some of my base opinions, I refer you to this short 3 pages ish.

But even yet this does not account for the 100s posts of discussion that occurred within the other threads, the arguments/discussions that went on.

Where are all of the screenshots? if it is happening so often… :thinking:

Well, I’m not those people. Over the course of the past decade or so, I’ve only come to the forums over a handful of issues. I’m not a casual QQ’er. This was back-to-back, death when I was even in visual range sorts of groups. Piled with graveyard camping and insulting. And it’s repulsive. It happened prior to them un-separating twinks but nowhere near that often.

Once ramstein’s is rebalanced and interestingly a ton of other procs next patch then I think the lower brackets will fair a lot better(mainly RAMSTEIN, it did nearly 2k damage on a noncrit(it can crit) with a -40% damage reduction on me) and everyone would use them with their burst so even heals have a hard time)

Edit: if you wish to see some of the others being nerfed than you can go to xpoff to find what people have found so far, interestingly enough ramsteins if one of the few not to necessarily be nerfed but rebalanced. (less dmg shorter cooldown)

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Man, I hope you’re right. Thanks for mentioning that, I didn’t know they were imbalanced that badly. I really hope things get back to relatively playable for those brackets again after the changes.

I really have to disagree with this. I spent many many many games being GY camped for 30m+ during classic/TBC before they added a time limit to WSG. I’m pretty sure my desire to crap on these guys doing things like this is what got me twinking to begin with. I have been GY camped recently, more at 120 than lower levels but it has happened on both ends of the spectrum, just not to the extent it did years ago.

I was around for those times as well. But with all due respect, that’s not relevant anymore. The queues were changed so that twinks were separated into their own brackets. Now they’re not. Why is that? What has a twink to gain from not being pitted against their own kind, if twinking is so popular and it provides a competitive atmosphere?

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