WoW addiction and depression

Try deleting all of your characters and deinstall the entire game. Might help a little… Good luck :heart:

Oh… one year later… nevermind.

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Forgive me if I repeat other advice as I haven’t read it. All addictions have a certain thing in common: a dopamine hit, Eventually this becomes harmful because your body gets used to it and eventually doesn’t make it’s own. So, it gets it from, in your case, the game.

Some tried and true helpmates might be uninstalling the game. Move furniture around so your place of used to do playing there becomes an something else.Most feelings to do the addicts favorite whatever pass in 3-5 minutes. When you want to play go clean your bathroom. Seriously. Your mind will switch gears and the feeling will pass.

Another thing is exercise. If your body has the capability to do so it will start making pleasurable hormones that will also help your body switch gears faster. Look up supplements, there are a couple that will help. That means do some research on addiction supplements.

All feelings pass. You’ve got to think of your brain as in a rut. You’ve been driving down the same path causing a rut in the road. Getting out of the usual rut and trying to change paths causes a jolt or bump. Right now you’re creating a new path. It take time so be kind to yourself.

One of the biggest things to change that helps is finding purpose elsewhere. Your mind is going to try and make all sorts of excuses but if you find purpose it changes. What have you always wanted to do? School, learn art, photography - take walks with your camera or phone and start capturing some great shots, get out in nature - don’t wall yourself in. Find something you love and dive in.

Therapy if that’s something you can afford really helps. CBT along with a new purpose, nature, and exercise will set you up for success. Pick a date. Put some things in place beforehand. Remember you are setting yourself up for success. Also these things take time. Don’t expect the feeling to go away in a few weeks or even a few months. You might have to fight it for awhile. But if you have set yourself up with support from other things and identified your red flag situations you will be able to do this. The new path will be paved.

We only get this one life. What do you really want from it? Go grab it with all your heart.

1 year later

oh for god sake.
Note to self…start checking the OP date…

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fight me woof.

You should walk away for lots of reasons. Really one being that you don’t even enjoy the game. You need to detach yourself from this activity and work on things both you enjoy and that will enrich your life. Of course easier said than done but the first step is realizing there is a problem which you have done. Props to you for the positive changes you’ve made so far. It’s a journey.

Work to be better than yesterday and continue on that journey.

Thanks for opening up about your struggles. That’s a hard thing to do.

Feel free to add me and message me in game should you need someone to talk to.

Have a great rest of your day and week.

this is on blizz bc they’re the ones who are suppose to have it locked after xx days but some places do and some don’t. not everyone checks the dates.

that said this was a vent from an old player n someone happen to not see the date and offered advice. maybe some ppl who suffer similar stuff can get help here now.

also some of ppl playing necro police is honestly annoying, just ignore it its not a big deal

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If it matters to you, it matters. Don’t feel like you need to adhere to some universal standard about what’s more or less important, because there isn’t one. Life is all about balance. Depression is something that’s clouds up that focus. For me, I find a strict routine is the best way to control it. I have my wow-time set aside, and my family time is set aside, and my self development time is set aside.

Getting back on the ball with physical activity will help the depression, but you should definitely see a doctor. A hyper competitive game like wow could be dangerous to your mental, so make sure you keep your guard up. You seem generally self aware, so I know you can do it, brother.

Edit: didn’t catch that it was a necro. Hope this guy is ok.