Wow 20th Anniversary "Best of" Raid

While I’d love them to shoot the moon and give a once in a lifetime event 20 raid bosses, I think they’ll keep it to 12. But how do you choose 12 of the most memorable bosses? Here’s what I could come up, they’re not all necessarily the end bosses, but I think it covers a lot of bases:

  1. Onyxia
  2. Illidan Stormrage
  3. Mimiron
  4. The Lich King
  5. Madness of Deathwing
  6. Lei Shen, the Thunder King
  7. Blackhand
  8. Gul’Dan (Nighthold)
  9. King Rastakhan (with Alliance swap for Horde players)
  10. Jaina Proudmoore (with Horde flip for Alliance players)
  11. Anduin Wrynn
  12. Fyrakk

It’s a lot harder than I thought it would be and I don’t think you could come up with THE 12.

Replace Madness of Deathwing with the Spine of Deathwing. Give the people what they want!


Best of from each xpac?

Classic - Vael
TBC - Opera
Wrath - Mimiron
Cata - Al’akir

Stopped seriously raiding after that and became a LFR hero.

C’thun really needs to be in there somewhere. Bugged and borderline impossible to defeat for at least the first week or two, for nostalgia’s sake.


Yesssss. Spine, riiiiight after the chess event from Kara, with no warning, no breaks. Second the chess event is beat, boom. Everyone is on the spine. Wipe on spine? Gotta redo chess.


“What the hell is the Skyfire doing docked outside Karazhan?”

“Get in loser, we’re going skydiving”

This is exactly what I remember happening.

I’d absolutely want 2 wings of 10 with each expansion represented by two bosses.

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