WoW 2 or Endless expansions

perhaps if they did make warcraft 4 it would be off world to other planets or out of the mortal universe in the cosmos like places in the shadowlands or what ever .

wooooow!!! your so right!!! i have no clue why that had never occurred to me. million dollar idea right there

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we could find places the legion invaded or what ever or play as the legion and add more space themes and such play as the Ethereals or what ever.

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100% agreed.

The MMO should have the lore as wallpaper. If Blizzard wants a highly engaging single player Warcraft experience it’s there for them to do. It’s just not meant for WoW.

I would prefer a WoW 2.

  • New game engine that can handle many of the things people really wanted added into WoW. Such as player housing and better character and armor customization. There are tons of features they can add that people claim won’t work with WoW’s game engine.

  • Better graphics. I’m not saying “realistic graphics”, I love Blizzards art styles but would like something a little more modern. Overwatch (Overwatch 2 looks like it will be even better.), and HOTS for example has much better character models. I’m not saying it needs to be the same style as in those games but if they could improve WoW’s stuff to that level I would be happy. Characters have little to no expression on their faces and it looks horrible in their ingame cut scenes. I don’t even want to get into how bad some of the unique models are, like Tyranda and some of the other Elves get good models but then we had Varian and Anduin, not sure what they made them so weird and ugly.

I can’t think up anything else atm that I really want that is not something more personal that I want but other people would dislike but I’m sure other people have plenty of other great idea’s.

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Just wanted to say that the MMO market is doing good atm and is growing. There is a large amount of fan excitement over plenty of new MMO’s coming out within the next few years and as we have seen with FF14 they have only been growing in numbers over the years. It’s mainly just WoW that’s had issues growing.

What are you using as a basis for this observation?

As has been pointed out many times on the forums, we know that during Wraith WoW had 14 Million active subscriptions. There is no source that indicates the current MMO market has anywhere near that amount of players in total. With that, we can safely say that the MMO playerbase has shrank over the last 13 years.

In fact, there is nothing that suggests that FF14 is even experiencing “new” growth…their new numbers are most likely being caused by WoW refugees as multiple news articles/forum threads have pointed out

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Expacs are WoW 2.

Here’s the thing if you want WoW 2 made from the ground up you have these issues:

  • Made by the same team who ruined the current one, it will be even more broken and awful and have more of the elements people hate baked in.

  • Very expensive, corporate would want to downsize it or cut corners. (This could mean things like not porting over mounts, transmogs, etc)

  • It would split the playerbase and destroy both games.

Blizzard could if they wanted to make an expac with a new engine, new looks, whatever you think WoW 2 needs. Expacs cost about what they would get away with charging for a new game anyways ($60) so it’s not like there isn’t enough money. It’s just Acti-Blizz isn’t going to invest in this dinosaur. They’re a mature company with way too many properties that make them far more than WoW. You’d need WoW to be owned by a hungrier company that had almost nothing or nothing else going for it to get that kind of development and investment.

I feel like they need to start listening to their subscribers more than make a new expansion.

Ummmm… there hasn’t been countless expansions… we specifically know how many.

No. Sequel MMOs have historically done very poorly.

Unless everything carried over; all my alts, gold, mounts, pets, transmog appearance, toys, ect., (and then what would even be the point of WOW2), no I wouldn’t give even a minutes consideration in starting a new version of WOW.

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what if they did would you? if so what would you want?

Id take a remastered classic world and story with tweaked boss encounters and classes over another exp every time.

I was a big WoW 2 person since MOP but now i dont know, i mean it would be made by the same people as current WoW and i dont think they capable of doing it, all the talent has left.

You mean reach a wider audience.

What is the financial risk if it is on more ports than PC alone? Even FF14 is playable on PlayStation.

I’ve kinda mentioned my opinion on this several times. The best perk to making an upgraded WoW2 is it could reach more platforms than PC players. One of their other IPs is apparently available to: " Overwatch is currently available: PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and the Nintendo Switch"

I was unaware of how many platforms Overwatch was on. So the great thing is it wouldn’t be exclusive either. Acitivision is aware of the success with multiple platforms from COD too. I think they ultimately want to branch out into mobile. Obvious reasons are obvious.

Still I have informed them if it looks like current state of WoW and not an upgrade. I personally wouldn’t even bother. FF14 stepped up into 4k from what I have read. Still WoW has problems competing for numerous reasons. One I keep coming across in comments on social media outlets is it looks outdated. (Which I feel would overall make a bad impression on new comers also.)

Are they planning to do this anytime soon? Not from what I gather, we just got a level squish. I heard rumors of some type of WoW mobile spin off, but let’s be honest I wouldn’t expect much. Most mobile games don’t seem to be that in depth. (Someone could correct if they are getting to this point already…talking on the level of Witcher 3 or any new massive MMO for example.)

I wonder if Overwatch would’ve done so well if it was only for PC. Same with COD. WoW already had quite a bit of a playerbase and that was strictly off PC users. So I don’t understand where all the naysayers come from all the time.

I would honestly like some type of incentive for old time players tho. As I beleive people are right and they would be leaving quite a bit behind. I would imagine if they don’t continue to give new content (instead it going into a WoW2) they can at least let it go free to play with the Blizz store still open.

Man I would not impressed if it’s only a mobile game port too. I do not find enjoyment on the tiniest of screen playing something. (Everyone is different tho.) My WoW use to be hooked up to a 60 inch screen.

I’ll take a WoW 2 only if my mounts, toys, and battle pets can get carried over if the new game has them. Achievement points and gold stays put, everyone should start on a fresh achievement and gold level with World of Warcraft II.

They will never ever going to make WoW 2. If they end WoW, that’s it for it. If they’re going to make a new MMO, it would be World of StarCraft.

I didn’t. At all.

I see your opinion on console gaming expanding the market. I think that’s a fair opinion. But I think it’s also misguided for the genre.

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StarCraft Universe would be fantastic, but it would require so much work it would fold under its own designs, like Project Titan. The MMO market is washed up at this point and it would take too much investment to bring about a renaissance.

An unpopular opinion maybe, but I think WoW 2 is a necessary thing if WoW is to continue on for too much longer. Expansions don’t have anywhere enough leeway in terms of flaking away and powerwashing off the cruft that’s collected over the years, both from a technical perspective and in how players lose their collective crap over anything that rocks the boat much.

A reservation is to see what happened with EQ2, or how long FFXIV had to go from initial launch after FFXI to a playable Realm Reborn and beyond…