WarCraft 2(main Campaign not the Expansion as Turalyon, Khadgar, Kurdran and Alleria are alive) and WarCraft 3’s Human Campaign to Undead Campaign as well as it’s Expansion the Frozen Throne died in Legion while BfA and Shadowlands were their death throes.
Day of the Dragon(source of all the Dragonflights as well as Northrend, the Emerald Dream and Caverns of Time) dies in Dragonflight and will have it’s death throes in the next few expansions I dare say. Maybe the WC3 Manual backstory for the Ordering of Azeroth will die there as well.
WarCraft 3’s Night Elf Campaign and Backstory is still kicking or being kicked if we are being honest. WarCraft 2’s Expansion’s Alliance Story is also still kicking. WC1 is still kicking too as Sargeras and Medivh still live.
Blizzard did say that Val’sharah was as close in resemblance to the Emerald Dream as the Night Elves could get so obviously if it looked like anything it would be Val’sharah not Feralas.
Also: How is Ashenvale any less washed out than Val’sharah? It’s more washed out in my opinion! It’s even more washed out than the Emerald Dream!
And what is this about BC’s Shadowmoon Valley being vibrant? It’s less vibrant than the fiery parts of the Emerald Dream! The fiery parts of the Emerald Dream also happen to be an improvement on the fiery parts of Mount Hyjal!
Your Jade Glasses are no use to us here! Now Sholazar Basin! That is vibrant! More vibrant than the rest of Northrend to say the least although I dare say there was magic in Howling Fjord, Crystalsong and Storm Peaks despite not being vibrant visually.
Netherstorm and Eversong Woods were also vibrant and just as magical as Hellfire Peninsula, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh, Azuremyst Island and Bloodmyst Island which were the less visually vibrant Zones.
Cataclysm had wonder in Deepholm, Vashj’ir and Uldum but not anywhere else.
MoP had wonder in the Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds and Wandering Isle.
WoD had wonder in Shadowmoon Valley, Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond and Talador though no where else.
Legion’s wonder was regulated to Val’sharah, Suramar and Eredath.
BfA’s wonder was Zuldazar, Vol’dun and Drustvar.
Shadowlands’s wonder was Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus and Zereth Mortis.