WoW 11.0 LEAKS (Spoilers, obviously)

Strange for sure.

I couldnt imagine paying for and playing a game for 4+ years that I hated. I just sorta. Move on.

I also find it to be strange behavior to hope for the “death” of any game/community just because I don’t personally enjoy it anymore. I moved on from EverQuest. I dont hope the game dies. I dont play classic. I dont hope it dies. I hope people that enjoy it can continue to enjoy it.

I just find it odd how many people will play WoW regular for 5-10 years while allegedly hating it.

Blizzard appreciates yall tho.


Our eagle-eyed fellow player above among others in this thread have already proven it’s not

WoW died in Legion. BfA was the epilogue.

WoW hasn’t been good in new continent and worlds to visit since Shadowlands. I thought a very good expansion idea would be an Emerald Dream. But since that is already covered as the last raid for DF, this one (whether fake or not) looks like Blizzard is starting from scratch with their lore.

If you ignore the bits where their assessments were shown to be wrong, sure.

Like I’m all for debunking leaks, but anyone with eyes could look at the statue in Stormheim and notice that it looks completely different beyond the fact that “it’s a statue” and “it has an axe.” Minute details like “one’s a dwarf and one’s a vrykul” and “the dwarf has a hammer in addition to a completely different axe.”

And as I said earlier in the thread, the notion that Blizz can only use an asset or concept once ever is completely ridiculous.


If you ask me, it’s an updated Dwarven statue, likely in a similar pose to this one, made of stone. Only the hammer is held aloft instead of both in the air.

Also reminded me of these:

It’s a dwarf thing, totally.


Yeah, if it turns out to be fake, I’m thinking it’s far more likely they took a dwarf and used one of the “artifact weapon” poses as a base, and tweaked them to make the statue from there.

In any case, I won’t lose any sleep over it. We’ll find out in a week.

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Thalyssra told Lor’themar they need to redecorate if she was going to spend time there. He said Silvermoon was fine as is.

So, they compromised and redecorated.


I was disappointed and thought the screenshots looked mediocre.

Must be real.

Why can’t we have vibrant zones like shadow moon valley in TBC or ashenvale. It seems like everything is washed out and aged in the sun.

It’s like the old animated Disney movies vs their live action remakes. Why are there no bright colors?

The Emerald Dream should look like Feralas on acid yet its pretty much a bootleg copy of Valsharah.

If that’s what they did, id be really impressed by the effort the person went through.

I wouldn’t be surprised though. Expansion reveal trailers have been the same for years now. And all the stuff in this leak is stuff we as a community have already speculated. So someone with enough time on their hands could make a pretty convincing fake like this.

WarCraft 2(main Campaign not the Expansion as Turalyon, Khadgar, Kurdran and Alleria are alive) and WarCraft 3’s Human Campaign to Undead Campaign as well as it’s Expansion the Frozen Throne died in Legion while BfA and Shadowlands were their death throes.

Day of the Dragon(source of all the Dragonflights as well as Northrend, the Emerald Dream and Caverns of Time) dies in Dragonflight and will have it’s death throes in the next few expansions I dare say. Maybe the WC3 Manual backstory for the Ordering of Azeroth will die there as well.

WarCraft 3’s Night Elf Campaign and Backstory is still kicking or being kicked if we are being honest. WarCraft 2’s Expansion’s Alliance Story is also still kicking. WC1 is still kicking too as Sargeras and Medivh still live.

Blizzard did say that Val’sharah was as close in resemblance to the Emerald Dream as the Night Elves could get so obviously if it looked like anything it would be Val’sharah not Feralas.

Also: How is Ashenvale any less washed out than Val’sharah? It’s more washed out in my opinion! It’s even more washed out than the Emerald Dream!

And what is this about BC’s Shadowmoon Valley being vibrant? It’s less vibrant than the fiery parts of the Emerald Dream! The fiery parts of the Emerald Dream also happen to be an improvement on the fiery parts of Mount Hyjal!

Your Jade Glasses are no use to us here! Now Sholazar Basin! That is vibrant! More vibrant than the rest of Northrend to say the least although I dare say there was magic in Howling Fjord, Crystalsong and Storm Peaks despite not being vibrant visually.

Netherstorm and Eversong Woods were also vibrant and just as magical as Hellfire Peninsula, Blade’s Edge Mountains, Terokkar Forest, Zangarmarsh, Azuremyst Island and Bloodmyst Island which were the less visually vibrant Zones.

Cataclysm had wonder in Deepholm, Vashj’ir and Uldum but not anywhere else.

MoP had wonder in the Jade Forest, Valley of the Four Winds and Wandering Isle.

WoD had wonder in Shadowmoon Valley, Frostfire Ridge, Gorgrond and Talador though no where else.

Legion’s wonder was regulated to Val’sharah, Suramar and Eredath.

BfA’s wonder was Zuldazar, Vol’dun and Drustvar.

Shadowlands’s wonder was Bastion, Ardenweald, Maldraxxus and Zereth Mortis.

No winter Zone automatically makes it go from 10/10 to 9/10 starting value.

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I can’t even begin to understand why or how people can shoot up drugs but for some reason they do. It’s strange for sure.

Drugs are typically known for making people feel better while on that high. Which is what people often chase.

This example seems to be the opposite though.

If you say so.

The one give away that is unexplained is that jungle-themed Triceratops. That’s what throws me off into this being a legit leak.

Blizzard has made a blue post saying they wouldn’t be changing current specs into Support.

if this is it ,god dam you blizzard

I think some people got a thrill out of playing in the “good ol’ days” and they keep searching for that feeling again but the game has changed and so have they.

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Ion already said they have no intention of changing any current spec to be Support. The rest could be a maybe.

Sure but after 5 to 10 years or the existence of classic you’d think they’d be able to come to a conclusion

It’s a sad thing and a lot of people go through it… chasing their youth, their glory days, and all those good feelings in rose-tinted glasses.

This is the aspect of human nature that causes people to relationship hop and never settle down because they want “fireworks” again. Alternatively, it can cause people to stay in bad relationships because they remember the fireworks. Or in a bad game. :upside_down_face:

We’re such weird, little, fickle creatures, humans.