Wow… war mode is worse than I remember it

Decided to log on to DF for a bit. Been playing SoD on lone wolf lately.

There is nobody in war mode. Few duels outside org, otherwise, a complete desert.

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You’re looking in the wrong places if you’re using the outside of Orgrimmar as a gauge for War Mode.

War Mode at the moment is huge in Dragon Isles because of season start and everyone being out and about for the Sparks of Life weekly and grinding out Bloody Tokens.

Try looking there and joining groups in LFG.

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I was in the isles. I’m sayin that I hardly saw anyone there, but I did see a few people hanging around org. That’s the only place I saw more than like 2-3 people in a collected area.

I didn’t see much in the isles or in emerald.

I find that very hard to believe at the moment. Even on my server, which is predominantly Horde, I saw tons of Alliance out in Ohn’ahran Plains, since it’s the sparks zone. Specifically at the WPvP quest too.

Again, looking in the wrong places, try utilizing the LFG tool too if your server is that terrible.

Maybe others have had a better experience, but from what I saw last night, it was not good.

Try my suggestions, or try moving to a different server. I don’t know what kind of WPvP you get on Gurubashi, nor what server groups you’re connected with, but that could be an issue.

Nah. Stop crying.

Whose crying? Let find out two months later

I know it ain’t me

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Get Spy addon and fly around. Tons of WPvP targets to kill, foo

Maybe on a pvp server, “foo” :rofl:

Of course, it is. It’s the end of an expansion. How many people do you expect to be out questing right now? Wait until the 1st month of the next expansion in August.

I’m still finding all kinds of action in war mode tbh.
People have been saying it’s dead all expansion, but I’m getting in fights all over dragon isles and even in places like Blackrock Mountain or Mechagon when I’m passing through to grab rares lol.

It really just boils down to someone’s War Mode shard that determines their War Mode experience. Sometimes my shard will be dead and other times my shard will be full of people. :dracthyr_shrug:

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LOL…I didn’t realize the pres evoker that waved at me in ZC was you until I looked it up. It would’ve been interesting to see what would’ve happened if the hunter wasn’t there.

I’m everywhere dude.
I was literally breathing down the back of your neck at solar sphere a few hours ago in my engineering stealth. The game ended like 2 seconds before I was gonna open up cause we lost on reinforcements.

I swear it’s not targeted harassment.

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True. Though I did complete the weekly sparks quest with some WPVP. Mostly from rare elite guys and those travelers packs.

Earlier in the xpac you could LFG for sparks maybe those are still around.

wpvp in this game now (atleast when the expac launched) is making a raid group and camping people that do wpvp quests or theres a few spots where like 40 people just tabtarget and attack people and farm the coins all day , its really cringe and will never work if you add rewards like they have the bloody token system has created some of the worst wpvp ive ever seen

Maybe 2-3 groups on a Tuesday. I think most people are doing other things right now.

The last time sparks was in Zaralek Cavern, I had to go 0-100 sparks completely solo. Never once saw another player. but I don’t think anyone likes that zone anyway, lol.

Two reasons for this which should have been obvious for anyone who played open world pvp in any other game:

  1. Stealth classes with no major downsides to being in stealth.

  2. All the “extra” stuff from PvE affecting PvP. This can be anything from potions, world buffs, to engineering gadgets. Either you get all that stuff or don’t bother.

Once I’m done with my weekly, I’m done with wpvp. It will never be fun in this game or any game that fails to address those two things.

I just go to world quests and usually someone will jump me