Would you want a fast food WoW promotion like blizzard did with Diablo IV?

This is something i would expect in Asia. Not North America.

Local places are more prevalent in my area than franchises. All these franchises listed are within 10 minutes of each other but then the next town that has even one of these is a good 20-25 miles away. Not to mention all these places close by 11pm. Denny’s however is trying to go back to 24/7.

  • 4 McDonalds
  • 2 Burger Kings
  • 3 Pizza Huts
  • 1 Applebee’s
  • 1 Denny’s
  • 1 Domiano’s
  • 1 KFC
  • 1 Taco Bell
  • 1 Wendys

So let me ask you this

So why are you still subbed after the blizzard controversy with hong Kong?

Because the “controversy” was overblown nonsense.

WoW doesn’t even operate in China anymore.

Then why do you care?

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My good sir you can’t move that goal post

You just said it yourself that you rather support companies/businesses that won’t ruin people’s lives

And Blizzard silenced a player because his country is hurting people for voicing out in free speech

All because his country’s government hurt people

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I didn’t move anything. Blizzard didn’t allow a political protest on their video game tv show. Getting mad about that is stupid, no matter what you think about the political situation.

You’re comparing apples to walnuts.

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Hm I should probably get some chikin. That sounds good.

Reminds me of how the first time I saw Pokemon was when they had these small plush toys with meals there. I got a dratini

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They do that al the time with the batle pets.

I got the sloth when they did the Doctors Without Borders drive.



Wrathion Wrap

Sabellian Sub

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This is the kind of promotion that WoW should use, like the pink Mercy.

Just add the item in the shop and then move the money from their end, not this link bnet account to other sources and purchase food…etc that doesn’t consider the multiple countries and regions that play these games.

I’ve some KFCs near my place, I even order yesterday…but that promotion isn’t available in my country…I’m glad that I don’t want cosmetics for D4, I already have plenty with WoW but I don’t want to do post requesting promo items from a fast food promotion to comeback into the trading post or BMAH…etc because those were only available for some specific locations and then the players that purchase those items via the promotion saying “but my rare item”…etc

KFC is kinda nasty. A pizza promo I could get on.

Smoked Wrathion Mutton Wrap and a Juicy Sabellion Meatball Sub

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WoW isn’t the juggernaut it was in the past, and everyone knows about WoW already. So, a fast food promotion for WoW, a very old game, wouldn’t be worth the cost.

As long as it is Taco Bell I’m all for it!

So is getting mad at Chick-fil-A because their business is ran by religion ideas or when they were not supporting a community during this time of the year

But you’re downplaying the controversy event years ago as if it wasn’t bad?

Hypocrites do that because it didn’t happen to their country

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Because it wasn’t.

Got anything else?

Other than you also state “blizzard doesn’t do business in China anymore” as if “oh it’s okay that people got silenced now whatever happened years ago, blizzard isn’t there xD” was a really bad impression you gave off

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That just tells me you didn’t understand the point to begin with.