Buy 4 separate transactions of KFC chicken sandwiches get Diablo IV skins
What if Blizzard did this for WoW? Would you wear a Ronald McDonald transmog? Or a cow themed Chick-fil-A mount? A Taco Bell Doritos shell disk shaped mount? Burger King crown transmog?
Diablo 3 had the Bojanglers boots. Always found that amusing.
Around here you can find a Dollar General and a Bojangles every 2 miles.
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Giving how much the WOW community likes to complain, as nice as it would be it wouldn’t fly very well…
“I have high cholesterol, its not fair someone who doesn’t can get this”
“X store is 30 minutes away and I don’t have a car, this discriminates against people who take transit”
And the list would go on
Bring on the Spicy Deathwing Burger
No; it’s adding a middle man to to purchasing cosmetics which is already terrible in a game that charges you upfront to gain access and then again every single month afterwords to maintain that access.
Give it to a homeless person
They’re on their own for that problem
Those would be my answers had they said that
I wouldn’t really care either way but I can say it wouldn’t get me any more interested in teh game, and if it were KFC it’d be a hard pass anyways because KFC is garbage lol
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You say that but look the other way with Amazon prime gaming rewards
I don’t pay for them; make a throwaway email account, sign up for the free month, claim the reward, and then unsubscribe.
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Don’t care either way. But wouldn’t jump through these kinds of hoops for mogs and definitely not installing fast food apps on my phone Or making a special account with KFC for it.
I don’t particularly want a fast food app/account. I think twitch was my limit for participating in these sorts of things.
Didn’t WoW do a cross-promotion with Mountain Dew years ago?
There’s precedent.
Depends on the mog. I wouldn’t mind, though.
I don’t think blizzard should help promote fast food… especially not in America.
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Not gonna pretend I don’t eat fast food, but can’t really say I’m the biggest fan of video games doing cross promotions with junk food,
You didn’t get a reward in game for it just a cool bottle
You couldn’t pay me to eat at Chick-fil-A.
Also, WoW has had some food tie-ins. There was the Mt. Dew battle bot. Had to buy Mt. Dew for bot fuel. Shadowlands had a Carl’s Jr. tie-in, though there wasn’t in-game items. Overall, I’m not a fan of having to buy outside the game products to get in the game products. But, if it’s something I like or buy anyway it’s sort of a win/win.
As for D4, I’m not doing the KFC thing. I don’t mind KFC, but they’re too expensive, the local grocery store makes fried chicken that’s as good or better, and the in-game items are meh.
No because I’m on a diet and usually these things have like regional restrictions.
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With Fyrakk Fries, and a diet Dr. Pepper.
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