Would you take the token over bots? Why/why not?

People unsubbing so its not longer profitable for the bots would have an effect but sadly thats about the only thing.

The real tragedy is if they pull all that gold into TBC if it happens, it will be even worse there.

If this were true, Retail would have no token either, because there would be many more botters subbing if the currency were going straight to them instead of to Blizzard. In retail, their only “revenue” is being able to play for free since they get no cash from players.

I don’t see how they stop this. They could try gold limits on what you can transfer to TBC with, but they’ll have to announce this in advance in which case folks will simply convert all their gold in excess of the cap. (And the ones who don’t/can’t will be royally ticked off.) Or they could do only fresh TBC servers, but a lot of the folks who have worked to earn rewards in Classic will either not go along or cancel altogether if forced. Or they could just open the floodgates and let (or make) people transfer into TBC as-is, in which case the economy will be fubar from the get-go.

The actual TBC launch back in the day had far fewer people who knew what they were doing and therefore a lot less inflation. But we’ve had 15 years to learn how to game the system.

Not ‘wrong’, but not ‘right’, either. It is likely true that Activision has nothing to do with the day to day development of Blizzard games. However, they do set corporate strategy and tone. Also, something that was true in 2018, when that post was written, may not be true in 2020. Especially as Activision has been spending the last couple years trying to get more and more control over Blizzard.

They have made to many promises for classic but i really hope we see the wow token in TBC where no promises have been made. MY WALLET IS READY BLIZZARD MAKE IT HAPPEN.

If people want to pay to win, they should do it the way it was intended, via gold laundering and trading retail for classic gold. Microtransaction menus would ruin the game immersion for me.

As for bots, blizzard is doing what they can. It’s definitely not as bad as it could be.

Tokens haven’t stopped bots at all on retail, all they do is make the money from gold sales go into blizzard pockets instead of 3rd parties.

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Ima be honest I don’t care if people bot or not but #tokenforTBC. MY wallet is ready blizz i dont trust my cc number with chinese 3rd party take my money.

No, because tokens do not remove bots.

It’s difficult to deal with bots. You could say that police don’t care about drug use, but that’s also difficult to deal with.

Without players who pay for gold, level boosting, items, etc. and/or give third parties the use of their accounts how many bots would we see?

Also, for those who are constantly on the forums complaining about bots, I have a question: Why are you so obsessed with bots?

I disagree, I think the bots are still profitable. Bot bans typically come in waves, it’s pretty easy to gain profit off the account before it goes away. They could step up the bot bans and add tokens but the main problem will still exist. Vanilla/TBC markets will never be like it was.

I don’t think it matters at this point with gold being xfered. The best option they have is to CC to TBC server. No way they make people start over for TBC, would piss off to many people. They could convert the current classic servers to TBC and time gate the CC to classic. I think they will most likely just let people CC to TBC, they could gold lock the CC even per account but could just xfer multiple accounts.

That was across the entirety of Activision Blizzard. Blizzard itself laid off around 200 employees; stop propagating misinformation.

Blizzard owns the trademarks and the IP.


I’m so sorry that you actually believe the conspiracy theories on the forums. Do you also believe the common false narrative that Blizzard lost hundreds of CS employees in the February 2019 layoffs as well?

I think you are missing the point.
Nothing conspiratorial about this.

Becoming a publicly traded company to begin with relinquishes some creative control to shareholders. It gets even worse when you become a subsidiary. You can flame all you want, but I’m telling you that their development schedule is not in the development teams hands. When you add a lot of corporate bloat you get people disconnected from the actual state of the game making some of your decisions for you.

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I’m going to believe the Blizzard CS employees that have been there since 2006 over you, sorry.

Oh god that guy.

He’ll pick the stupidest things to start an argument over (“it’s not a diamond it’s a rhombus” type thing) and he’s always wrong.

Meanwhile he derails threads and has nothing to say about the issues at all. Life is better when you ignore trolls like that.

I’m going to think you havent talked to anyone about development schedules, ever. You taking information from a friend at the help desk is laughable.

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I don’t believe all the theories on this forum but I also don’t believe the blue posts. Every one has been vetted by a team and management and every name that supposedly wrote it was hired as a company spokes person to tow the company line.

I’m sorry you don’t care about the facts and would rather propagate misinformation and conspiracy theories.

It’s laughable that you don’t know what a holding company is and actually believe Activision has any say in anything Blizzard does. Here’s former CM Ythisens who everyone here seemed to respect a lot:


Yeah, absolutely.

That being said the problem with bottings is some what solveable without tokens.

First and foremost, reduce scarcity of materials used in crafting and consumables by increasing their spawn frequency across the board. Second, increase the barrier to entry for the game. 15 dollars is a low bar.

Smaller margin for botters = fewer bots. When they get to keep all the proceeds from botting and selling gold in Classic, there’s more incentive to persist even through ban waves; they make back all the time they spent on the rebuilding a banned account in a matter of days.

id rather they start taking legal action against people who bot and the people who create the bots.

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The Terms of Service aren’t laws, and botters aren’t causing loss of revenue (in most cases, quite the opposite actually) or IP theft the way private servers do. Banning offenders is the only legal recourse available.