Helicopters can’t consent you sicko. I’m calling the cops.
I wear it like a glove
I understand your pov, however, the thought that it isn’t the gameplay, it isn’t enjoying the dungeon, it isn’t the rewards from doing the content, but the thought that it’ll be such a pain to find another group to run a dungeon is what would incentivize someone to stay is kind of a downer.
I’d say its pvp folk going but but…my targets.
Grobb so far as I have seen doesn’t have people hunting the roads to and from places all the time really.
Finding it nice and civil really. WPVP happens but in more appropriate places. Dude just wants to get their carebear on to level…same as me. no need to engage all the time. some nights I jsut want to turn that last batch of quests in and call it a night. I get that others do too lol.
And for me personally…life is too short to camp meeting stones. Oh someone is coming…jsut wait.
I didn’t do this crap in eve with what we call gate camping. only time I camped a gate to wait for people to jump in system was when I was told too. make leadership happy type stuff. otherwise you can take that crap and trash it really.
No need to hunt them down, they fill the front page constantly. What else are people gonna do when they want to type on the forums.
As long as they enforce the daily lockouts for phase 1 at least I don’t care about RDF. People shouldn’t be able to farm Heroics so easily while they’re the main source of gear upgrades. If people can spam RDF heroics in the first week they’ll be fully geared by the end of week 2 and complaining they have nothing to do.
Start new topics that are of importance to you, or there’s bound to be a GDKP and dungeon boosting thread to chime in on
Its not a pain to get there usually ppl are questing in that area already. Im sorry but it happens on retail all the time and its an awful experience.
Blizz didn’t radically change the game in vanilla and TBC, but for some reason feel the need to turn WotLK, the most popular expansion, into a retail Frankenstein monster.
The way Blizzard is handling WotLK is going to push people away, and I for one won’t just head over to retail…I’ll just play FF14 or a WotLK pserver.
People still quit dungeons if they have to travel to them. People will still act like goons even without RDF. Also, if this is a problem, you wouldn’t have to use the tool.
I think it’s reasonable not to have RFD in the game at launch.
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