Would you play modern again?

Nope, nada, never

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Last night’s fiasco was the push I needed to cancel my subs. I had 2, 1 that I played and one for my kids/grand-kids. I have been unhappy with BFA for a long time, but kept telling myself that things would get better. They never did but I just couldn’t make myself cancel the subs because I had been playing for years. I was really looking forward to classic, but now I don’t think I will come back in August. I really think I am done.

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Sorry to hear that Oaklei. It really is a shame, the WoW used to be such a wonderful game.

But then blizzard was acquired by activision and had to start “accepting” shareholder advise on how to run things.

Maybe classic will redeem the blizz. Time will tell.

i have no particular hate toward the current iteration of WoW. i just don’t find it fun. if the next expansion makes it fun… then sure, i’d play it. as it stands, BfA just isn’t fun for me. hell, i had more fun in WoD.

Legion was a good expansion, so, i played that.

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I wouldn’t, but I think they should make pristine servers available to retail players. It was a terrible substitute for classic but since they suggested it I’ve felt bad for the players who really wanted that.

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Yeah I really enjoyed legion as well. Mostly the story. But mythic dungeons were/are great imo because they remind me of how dungeons were back in the burning crusade when I first came to WoW. In terms of having to go to the instance and work together and figure the fights out. Proper usages of cc’s and such.

Unlike random dungeons which is mindless yelling go go go hurry noobs.

In the beginning and even in the middle there was a game for the solo player, those of us that don’t cope well with the dungeon/group activity situation could work on other aspects of the game. We farmed for things, we AHoused, we worked our professions, then the professions drifted into the dungeon/group arena and we lost our ability to play a solo game. It used to be you either played endgame or you supported endgame players, now the endgame is self supporting and the rest of us are kind of hanging out for no real reason. Pristine servers will not change that. This is why classic is great, I get my mojo back.

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Maybe next expac they can head that direction and closer to gameplay of classic wow… if it proves to be what players want… but I think this expansion is too late for that.


This is definitely a downside of modern wow, but it’s not just the whole crossrealm stuff that is the problem.

Anyways, I wouldn’t, because even a lower quality community is not a dealbreaker for me. It’s not the reason I’d play classic and not retail.

To me, Retail is pretty much garbage. I don’t see any way to save it. Even pristine realms won’t fix anything. It still would be an action game and not an RPG.

Blizzard should be thinking about doing something else after World of Warcraft. WoW2 or whatever they want to call it.

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Some players are calling for warcraft 4, or a starcraft mmorpg.

Id personally like to see blizzard develop offline single player rpgs from the warcraft universe.

There was a point and click adventure that they never officially released back before the WoW launched called lord of the clans. Interesting that its the same name as a great book by Christie golden about thralls origins.

Its on youtube if you are interested in watching a long play of it. Apparently certain people got a full demo or something back in the day.

I’ll give the next expansion a go if it’s better than BfA. I can play both, they are really two very different games at this point, so I wouldn’t feel like I was double-dipping.

They would have to rip it to the foundations, and rebuild it in Classic WoW’s mold to get me back.

Death by a thousand cuts; QoL, x realm, connected realm, lfg/lfr, new classes, zones too spread out, etc etc…

It isn’t fair because some people like the diablo 3 like WoW of today; i just prefer the older RPG like systems over a solo que based ARPG