Would you play a Zelda MMO?

Just some shower thoughts.

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Interesting idea. Though I’d expect the player base would be 97% Gerudo.:rofl:

Can you imagine Link as a quest giver? “Finally I’m on the other end of this arrangement.”


Only if I can be Zelda.


probably not. At least not with the zelda series current state.

Now what I would play is some kind of party based zelda RPG. a JRPG zelda feels like such a natural spinoff that it surprises me we haven’t seen one yet.

depends on what element of the zelda universe/timeline it would be based in

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Well… :world_map::robot:


The lawyer friendly cameo.:smile:

Probably not. I would consider Zelda to be a traditional dungeon crawler game. I can’t necessarily RP as a sword-swing Hylian who looks like an elf.

He was beloved from the community until his quests were removed in cata. Nintendo has gotten too scary, I can understand why they don’t use him anymore. :robot::sweat_drops:

Excuuuuse me, princess!

Yeah, I remember that line. Ironically Linken’s Sword of Mastery did not in fact give mastery, even after Cata…

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Would I play an MMO simply because it’s Zelda themed? No.

Would I play an MMO that looked good that was Zelda themed? I would consider it.

if i can play as one of those handsome shark people

Nope. I don’t play regular Zelda and that’s not for lack of trying.

Not really no… I’d maybe play twilight princess on switch (if it happens or has happened) but not an actual MMO. Just doesn’t fit the genre given that Link is the hero… and unless you’re him you’re just a side character and you can’t have multiple links as I doubt they’d do like Four sword for such a thing

nintendo has heard you and deployed their tactical s.l.a.p. (special lawsuits and pettyness) team.


Eww no. That mmo would degenerate so fast

Yeah absolutely, presuming it was any pre-BotW influenced Zelda. If it was BotW related I’d ignore it for the long run. I don’t need a half-arsed souls like MMO in my life.

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I would not play an MMO simply because it’s in the Zelda franchise.


You can’t really make a Zelda mmorpg without seriously ruining its legacy and potential.

As Link as a character is deliberately kept largely quiet in personality as a character so that we as the player can easily jump into his shoes.

I still have his boomerang in my bank, next to my Zul’Farak mallet, and my Mithril order signet.