Would you play a cat race in wow?

Move over, Gnome, Vulpera are now the cutest race.

I know they are canines, but if you look at one not so up close they can be mistaken for a cat is all I’m saying. About the same size and body structure. I’m talking about the PA grey fox though, the red is a bit more . . . distinct.

I’d heard the best description of foxes on an old episode of wild wild world of animals, and it was that foxes are the most feline of the canines. They even groom themselves like cats !

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WTB saberon for the Horde so I can fight with the Alliance like cats and dogs… literally.

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Along with Saberon, that would be cool!

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I want to play a cat race in WoW, but only if it’s more like Saberon or Tigon. Not neko girls or cat boys like in Final Fantasy. I also wouldn’t mind cute, small cat people equivalent to vulpera.

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Black panthers are the coolest.

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Why would I do that? I am already the vision of fluffy perfection.

Though I would be tempted by rats, skaaven are boss.

I guess that would depend on what they looked like.
Khajit style, yes. Anime style, no thanks.

There’s a thin line between a cat design and a fetish.

Cat race have that problem.

I would for the heritage set.

Khajit did not steal! Khajit is INNOCENT!!!

that being said… Yes, I would!:slight_smile:

What is this final fantasy

The cat I had my whole life only meowed for food and asked to be petted. Otherwise, she did not play, she did not like to be held, and was very scared and boring.

Now I have another cat. I have painful scratches on my palm from him. He never stops yelling for food.

I don’t see the appeal of cats. I don’t know why people like them so much. Dogs are much better in every way and actually love you.

If anything, I’d like to replace my cat form with something canidae. Fewer cats, please.

Yes, I wanna be a drama noodle!

I want to make a Sethrak hunter and be dramatic and feign death all the time like a Hognose Snake.


You have been very unlucky with the two cats you’ve had imo.
You have to earn a cats love, dogs just give it away for free :joy: dogs would be just fine with a new owner, they just want attention. Cats>dogs

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Only the stupid ones.

That’s very untrue. It is considered abusive by many to rehome dogs. Dogs are like children. They will get depression and abandonment anxiety if they are rehomed. They see their owners as their family. Imagine a child suddenly being handed to a new family with no explanation! They are scared, confused, upset, and just want their mommy back. Same with dogs.

I believe that. Everyone talks about cats like they’re fun companions but I’ve had two, and both have been annoying and will not cuddle with me.


Depends on how they are styled, their story and their character.

Styled as Miqo’te? No. Styled as Saberon? Yes.
Story akin to the Void Elves? No. Story akin to Worgen? Yes.
Selfish and snotty? No. Fierce and proud? Definitely!