Would you play a cat race in wow?

I have a Khajit on ESO, well actually a few of them, I quite like my Khajit. lol

But I’m not sure I would play Saberon, they are not appealing to me for some reason. And other that the Saberon I can’t think of a cat race really for this game. At least not one that seems appealing.

The Tigon would be the closest, but to me it’s more like a Worgen than anything else. And while I have a couple of Worgen I don’t think I would like a Tigon.

Honestly for me, WoW does not have a “cat race” that I would play at this time.

I’m surprised there’s no alligator or crocodile races yet. That’s the type of reptile I’d like to play. Or a lizard. I’ve never played a fantasy game where an animal like an iguana or a gecko is humanoid and playable.


I’m more into snakes so that’s why both nagas and Sethrak are like, totally my cup of tea.

But heck I would totally love to see some hulking Cocodrile warriors in wow like those in warhammer. they are so awesome.


i see plenty of cats here and there

i think they call themselves ferals

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Well to be fair alliance have worgen and it would make a “natural” rivalry if horde gets saberon

ACHTUALLY those are not cats, those are disguised dinosaurs. We all know 99.8% of the feral population is all Zandalari by now XD

Less fur races and more scaley races, maybe exoskeleton races too!

Sethrak, Saurok, Mantid, Jinyu!




I would play any race (especially on the alliance side) that isn’t some version of human.

we have human humans, shorter humans, tiny humans, tiny terminator humans, tall, fat humans and humans with long ears… and wolves and space goats… not much variety.

I would play any of those, especially Mantid. It’ll never happen, because they worship the Old Gods, but that would be a race I’d consider becoming my main. Or murlocs. I’m not picky.

I’m pretty much open to anything based on the animal kingdom, so that I can play out my lifelong obsession with Battle Beasts and Ninja Turtles.

So you’re into scalies huh?

Yes I support this

This guy… this person posting these things… is clearly a Dreadlord. He’s not even bothering to hide anything.

The closet one to me will be the tolvir but the thing is, how can they be playable with four legs. If they become playable I’ll definitely main one! But it’s confusing with the four legs. Like the nagas, how will they mount? :confused:

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I’ve only listed the cat like species.

I’m all for bringing the Khajiit to wow as long as skooma comes too :slight_smile:

True. They can make one up like the jinyu and hozen.

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I don’t wear my Crazy Cat Lady title for nothing… long as their not like Khajit yes… well guess I should resay long as their not the low pixel crap khajit we’ve seen so far. with 4k mods then yes.

Me too! They would be a great addition.

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Yes, a playable cat race is needed. Also half dragons.

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