Would you had preferred Level 70 or Level 140?

It is quite a dilemma, the level in this game is limited by classes abilities

To be honest I would prefer they stick to double digits for leveling .

Say max out at 90 and after that maybe do something along the lines of ESo’s Champion system , where by the time you max level you have the abilities and everything else after that goes towards improving the abilities .

Edit : I don’t mean like the borrowed power systems of the past but a system that enhances abilities and carries forward .

Would have preferred them just going back to 5 level expansions instead of the level squish. Probably should just do away with leveling altogether, if all they are going to do is squish levels again in so many years. If they don’t finally put this game out of its misery before it gets to that point lol.


I think we should stay at LV60, with every older expansion squishing down to LV45.

I feel like 60 is the perfect number for max level. What happens when max level eventually goes over 100? Another squish?

Same here. I would have preferred level 140.

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Don’t have a preference either way, but I am sure 70 looks far more reasonable than 140 for someone just looking into the game.

Well,considering it was a decision made from players and not devs (which went along with it) we are to blame for this mess. If you kept it the way it was we wouldn’t be asking that question.

I’d prefer level 60 cap, and then do a prestige type system.

Every expansion you can get 10 additional prestige levels, but at the end your stats get reset back to level 60 baseline. This way 60 remains the max level hard cap, we don’t have to worry about huge stat squishes because they’ll be uniform every expansion, and you can show off how many “prestige” rotations (expansions) you’ve been through.

If you’re Level 60 Prestige 20, you’ve clearly been through two expansions, but your stats are still going to be balanced with other level 60s at the start of a new expansion.

The number values we’ve used historically are just a gameplay mechanic, and ultimately unimportant compared to the narrative power our characters have (the kinds of monsters we fight).


I kinda like this idea.

I really don’t mind the squish, outside of Blizz screwing up legacy content tuning and the other various issues that came with it. If they had actually put the effort into it that it required and made sure everything was tuned right it would have be 100% fine. Makes me dread the next time Blizz has to do a squish, if WoW makes it that far that is.

The squish is nice. I think 120 was getting out of hand and with multiple stat squishes prior it made legacy content feel weird. Having the squish smooth it all out to give them 2-3 expansions and set themselves up for easier squishes in the future will make it easier on the dev team for the next 10-15 years.

I’m pretty sure I read a blue post when they did the first squish that was discussing number bloat and computation load. With exponential growth in player power every expansion we would have seen the combat log, and the add ons that use it like various meters, have to compute 7 digit numbers as the norm.

Where as today, we still have dots ticking for 3 digits. Our biggest hits are 5 digits. The norm is a 4 digit attack. That’s a significant reduction in the amount of math the server has to handle.

The aesthetic is understandable. 60 was as an important level to the player base for years. I get why they went with it. Also, with 60, 70, etc they already have item level targets from previous xpacs for each capstone level. Probably makes balance easier, maybe not. Just a thought.

I hate the squish

Pre squish paladin wings were learned at level 72
Post squish paladin wings are learned at level 37

Level 37 right now is level 95s of old
So wings is learned way later in the levelling process and characters that were above level 72 lost the only impacting cd they had

Had to trash my 85s and 90s. Hpal is completely unplayable without wings, hammer of wrath and beacons

The players never made that decision. When Blizzard put out that questionnaire asking how players would feel about a level squish, the decision had already been made. They just wanted to gauge the reaction so they could address it accordingly.

I do not like the level squish but leaving it alone was not a good solution either. The game lost a lot of fun for me the instant they did the ilvl (stat) squish at the end of MoP. Squishes remove a lot of fun from the game but having 140 levels would not be good either.

People spent years asking for/demanding a squish long before Blizz put out that questionnaire.

As long as the relative power between the two is the same, then I don’t care as they are just numbers that mean the same thing at that point.

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And yet, before that ,what were players saying in Gd? “we need a level squash so we can get to the end game faster” Gd was filled with this even when the leveling in game was fast enough.

I don’t really care either way. Lower levels are a bit cleaner with the upcoming talent system I guess?

But me being a level 60 doing 10k DPS to a mob with 1 million HP isn’t any different to being level 120 and doing 1 million DPS to a mob with 100M HP.

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