Would you ever date and possibly marry someone you met in WoW?

i'd give it a shot
I guess, but being honest my checkboxes for a mate include some very unusual and uncommon things so I would be very surprised if I met that special someone through WoW of all things. Plus, I can't say I've met many girls in WoW who advertise the fact in any way - much less one willing to advertise being large since there's so much stigma around being overweight.

My first thought to somebody claiming to be a girl is suspicion. I've had one online relationship of sorts and in the end I suspect they were lying about who they were for the attention.
09/22/2018 09:07 PMPosted by Kiimi
I never reveal I am female in game. However when I was found out I ended up getting into some messy love situations. All I can tell you is that you should never do it with someone in your own guild or raid team.

I only wish I had met a man who was on another realm, with his own guild, who likes to WOW a lot. It could of been great but having this new love interest involved in all my stuff which I have run a certain way for years was too much.

If you get known as a couple in your guild and then you fail. It only causes dramas and then people have to pick a side. I tried to continue on raiding while having interpersonal disputes with the love interests and it was impossible. I then looked like the bad guy when I pushed the love interests out of guild.

ATM i have my ex wow lovers friend in my guild. For some reason he wont leave even though hes not in any raid team and only joined for his friend. I now have this dude looking for keys and things in my guild, and i cant join because i know my ex wow love will be in the group as they always play together.

I want to kick the friend but honestly i thought he would leave on his own. See all this weird and messy trash? It wont end for me until this friend of his is gone. If i remove the friend i have to tell everyone my personal business and become that classic "girl drama" wow girl.

Plus 1 of the 2 guys i had a wow thing with was extremely ugly with no job. I spent too long hearing his voice and thinking he would be sexy lol. I was wrong.

> i need a introverted guy who isn't going to ruin what i have going on and if we don't work out no one will notice him slip away. The guys i got involved with were all big mouths and taking main roles and it made it more pressure for me. i want a guy who doesn't need to be friends with other guys on game and sit in voice chat all day with other men

Hello mlady have you considered a mythic raider
Nope, I only date centerfolds. None of which are in the game.
Year of Skype calls to meeting and then marriage shortly after. Been married 8 years now.
I've had... bad experiences with it. I wouldn't necessarily call it catfishing, since it was the person, but they were very deceiving about how they really looked.

Now, whenever a friend of mine tries to hook up with someone on WoW, I always warn them to be careful with who they're talking to, and to make sure it's absolutely them. No pictures, get in a damn video call and make sure they're not hiding anything.
Sure, I guess. Except my love life in-game is just like my love life IRL. Awful lol. Terrible taste in partners.
I wouldn't personally because I married someone I met in 7th grade.

If not for that, then yeah why not? Good friend of mine met her husband on WoW in vanilla and they did the long distance thing (plus flying both ways) for like 9 or 10 years before getting married.

Sure the internet gave us access to lots more weirdos but it also gives us opportunities to make friends all around the world. I think that's pretty cool tbh.
I wouldn't because I was dating my husband two years before the game was released but say I didn't meet my better half, I might have. People meet and marry on online dating sites all the time.
Never ever ever will I enter a relationship in wow.

Of course, I am very happily married and my wife also plays, so there is that haha.
09/23/2018 03:09 AMPosted by Alphon
I've had... bad experiences with it. I wouldn't necessarily call it catfishing, since it was the person, but they were very deceiving about how they really looked.

Now, whenever a friend of mine tries to hook up with someone on WoW, I always warn them to be careful with who they're talking to, and to make sure it's absolutely them. No pictures, get in a damn video call and make sure they're not hiding anything.

I hate reading these because I always want to know the juicy details and I'm always left hanging.
My buddy did. In vanilla, he met a woman from Canada(we live in Georgia), in his guild.

He ended up going up there for a guild meet and greet, and stayed up there awhile, then brought her back. She was cool. They got married, lasted like 2 years. Then he had to quit hardcore raiding and get a real job, and when he quit playing WoW, they realized they really didnt have anything else in common, lol.

They ended up breaking up shortly after he quit playing WoW. But it was good while It lasted I guess. She moved down here for 2 years.
Met my fiance through FFXIV, these things happen but it wasn't something we sought out. Normal folks doing normal life stuff, nothing crazy.
I dated someone from WoW many years ago. We only met once irl. It didn't work out but he was a nice guy. More to do with cultural differences than anything else.

There you go.
09/23/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Yserith
I hate reading these because I always want to know the juicy details and I'm always left hanging.

I'll try to keep it short, but I was dating a girl who was introverted and shy. She looked fine from the pictures she took, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She was a tiny bit on the thick side but I didn't mind too much.

I really liked her, and was even planning on meeting, but her mother had told me she was hiding things from me and that, well, she was more than just on the thick side. It was pretty bad. We never video called because I knew her as a shy person, and she never wanted to, but I know why now. The pictures she used were from 3-4 years back. The fact someone broken my trust like that? I wasn't too fond of it.

After that, I stayed away from internet dating... And should I ever go back to trying it out again, to be extremely careful.
09/23/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Alphon
09/23/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Yserith
I hate reading these because I always want to know the juicy details and I'm always left hanging.

I'll try to keep it short, but I was dating a girl who was introverted and shy. She looked fine from the pictures she took, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She was a tiny bit on the thick side but I didn't mind too much.

I really liked her, and was even planning on meeting, but her mother had told me she was hiding things from me and that, well, she was more than just on the thick side. It was pretty bad. We never video called because I knew her as a shy person, and she never wanted to, but I know why now. The pictures she used were from 3-4 years back. The fact someone broken my trust like that? I wasn't too fond of it.

After that, I stayed away from internet dating... And should I ever go back to trying it out again, to be extremely careful.

ahaha that's the stuff, thank you
Sure, if it ever arose. But unfortunately, I seem to attract the most insane people.
09/23/2018 03:46 AMPosted by Alphon
09/23/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Yserith
I hate reading these because I always want to know the juicy details and I'm always left hanging.

I'll try to keep it short, but I was dating a girl who was introverted and shy. She looked fine from the pictures she took, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She was a tiny bit on the thick side but I didn't mind too much.

I really liked her, and was even planning on meeting, but her mother had told me she was hiding things from me and that, well, she was more than just on the thick side. It was pretty bad. We never video called because I knew her as a shy person, and she never wanted to, but I know why now. The pictures she used were from 3-4 years back. The fact someone broken my trust like that? I wasn't too fond of it.

After that, I stayed away from internet dating... And should I ever go back to trying it out again, to be extremely careful.

Did.. did I read that right? You were dating a girl you liked based on her personality but her mother revealed she was a really big girl so you ended it? Not to lessen how you felt about it but can you imagine how crushed she must have been? She probably already had self-esteem issues which caused her to be introverted and shy as you put it :(

I'm probably overly sensitive about the issue having re-watched What's Eating Gilbert Grape recently but still.. :(
Nope. Only ever heard of WoW giving couples problems.