Would you ever date and possibly marry someone you met in WoW?

I met my husband in 2006. In a guild in WoW. Since we had a huge difference in level we didn't play a lot together back then, but we were of the few LA's in the server and knew each other. He stopped playing, I server transfered and eventually we forgot about each other.

After taking a break due to college in 2014, missing the 10th anniversary and beggining of WoD and only returning by mid 2015, I asked a long time friend from WoW if he was still playing. He said he didn't right now, but that a friend of his (Both RL and in-game) was playing and would ask him if he was interested in helping me catch up.

We started playing and by chance I found out he was that player I met that many years ago (Now as a priest decked in full Pandaria CM armor). We started talking via RazerComms, then shared FB information and I even got into playing Heroes of the Storm just to spend more time with him.

He met me in person in October of that year (He lived in another city) and we formally started dating. We didn't see each other too much, but tried to spend as much time together when possible, and when apart we would talk by phone during night.

By april 2016 he proposed me, and since he was an honest, handsome, smart, funny and geeky man with my same tastes I accepted. We married in March 2017.

I have been married to him for over 18 months now and I have never been so happy. He's both my best friend and the best husband I could ever ask for, and even if our marriage seemed rushed... Sometimes I kick myself because I didn't try talking to him a bit more back in 2006, Im sure as hell I would have fallen for him even back then.
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I'm too old for that kind of thing.

I met, dated and married someone on AOL.

I don't date nerds
Have a nice day.
I enjoyed reading all the responses in this thread. Not something I would ever feel comfortable doing myself but more power to you folks!
I met my daughters mom farming ore way back when BC launched. She didn't like my gouging prices.
09/22/2018 08:18 PMPosted by Rustwell
Many stories I've heard about people meeting up and having successful happy marriages through wow. Of course I've also heard stories of cat fishing, cheating, people getting robbed and other bad things. Now its always nice to hear success stories and good to hear about the bad ones to know what to watch out for. Would this ever be a remote possibility for you under the right circumstances?

Sounds like someone got catfished, doesn't know it, and is looking for validation for their IRL bad idea. You do you, kid.
30ish year old male basement dweller looking for single 30ish year old female to join me in my basement.
Nope, because I met my real life husband in Guild Wars. Been together for 10 years this coming March.
Short answer: Yes.
Slightly longer answer: I met my fiance via WoW and we've been together for 10 years.
09/23/2018 12:21 AMPosted by Petaldance
Nope, because I met my real life husband in Guild Wars. Been together for 10 years this coming March.

He's gay and has been cheating via craigslist, sorry you had to find out this way.
09/23/2018 12:13 AMPosted by Shocknorris
09/22/2018 08:18 PMPosted by Rustwell
Many stories I've heard about people meeting up and having successful happy marriages through wow. Of course I've also heard stories of cat fishing, cheating, people getting robbed and other bad things. Now its always nice to hear success stories and good to hear about the bad ones to know what to watch out for. Would this ever be a remote possibility for you under the right circumstances?

Sounds like someone got catfished, doesn't know it, and is looking for validation for their IRL bad idea. You do you, kid.

Why post this? You're just attacking this poster for no reason. Cut Rustwell some slack, he makes threads like this often and while he might come off as a little lonely that doesn't give you the right to just be toxic.
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Mostly like no. I'm still stuck in the mindset of the old days of the internet where we love our anonymity and trust no one. In my 12 years playing I've only given my real name to one person.
You know, in the past people said things like 'omg you think its normal to take this seriously, this is just the damn net!" as if the fact that they met me online, made me somehow less of a person to them...

To me though when you meet someone online in person, that's when it ceases to be 'just the net'.

It's been about a decade or so it's become fashionable to be as uncaring as possible online...they say that "it's the internet" as a lazy and even toxic thought-terminating cliche to not take the feelings of the person on the other side of the screen seriously.

I am honest outright that I'm not available for any relationship, as to do otherwise would be dishonest. For better or worse the people on the other side of the screen are human beings...
09/23/2018 12:27 AMPosted by Shocknorris
09/23/2018 12:21 AMPosted by Petaldance
Nope, because I met my real life husband in Guild Wars. Been together for 10 years this coming March.

He's gay and has been cheating via craigslist, sorry you had to find out this way.

Kay, thanks for the heads up! >.> Silly poster.
I'm just a lonely lil Gnome in a mean scary world tryna find some of this mythical love I keep hearin' 'bout...

I met my husband through WoW almost 11 years ago now! We hit it off. He happened to be near me for business sometime later. We hit it off even better. Fast forward from there... We've been married almost three years and I have moved to an entirely new country to be with him! It was a small miracle that it worked out that way but I am thankful.
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met my Wife in EQ been together for 13 years, and Married for 8 years.
09/22/2018 08:18 PMPosted by Rustwell
Many stories I've heard about people meeting up and having successful happy marriages through wow. Of course I've also heard stories of cat fishing, cheating, people getting robbed and other bad things. Now its always nice to hear success stories and good to hear about the bad ones to know what to watch out for. Would this ever be a remote possibility for you under the right circumstances?


Despite having one of those bad experiences, I'm still trying it again. Going well so far.
I met the love of my life on WoW and soon we will have our first kid. So it does happen.

Not gonna say that shady stuff doesnt happen, but I would condone looking at everything through a skeptical eye. For me and my partner, we met through mutual WoW friends. We've also chatted and hung out together on vent and discord for quite a while before we decided to try anything.

Always be safe people.