Hey guys, Topsail here with an interesting proposal. I know we haven’t really met before but let me say that I’m contractually obligated to have your best interest at heart, and that you can totally trust me.
Anyways, on to the subject at hand.
Would you cut down the new world tree for player housing?
Crazy hypothetical, I know. But I think we can send a strong message with this drastic action. All the lumber from the world tree could be used for player housing, and then everyone gets a house, not just night elves. The potential is really there. New houses. Chairs. Tables. Think of the possibilities!
Anyways, let me know what you think. And if you’re on board, just sign the dotted line.
signs blindly without reading
Oh no, we’re married now! Ok fine. I want 6 more kids. I am 105 years old though so we’re going to need to get creative.
Sorry night elves, I trust my gobs to be efficient. You had a tree a mile tall and lived only on the top and one small part of the bottom for some reason.
It’s a useless twig. As a Druid player since Vanilla… I didn’t want this thing to begin with.
But I’m all up in Palia for player housing now, which is more than likely a million times better than what WoW would ever give us anyway.
Thanks for the support, babe!
I would burn down the new world tree for a handful of snacks
Just cut? Get out the flame throwers!

i’d burn it down just for the lulz. Any other benefits to me are just gravy.
I’d burn it down just to watch Tyrande have another meltdown so I could murder her.
world tree? I thought we were reviving Basic Campfire!
No, I would burn it down. Wouldn’t be the first time
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I would burn that tree down just because it’s in the way of EVERYTHING and makes dragonriding dang near impossible in the dream… But if it also gets me player housing, Win-Win… So long as I can choose the STYLE of player housing. I don’t want to only have options to spikey mud huts if I’m playing Horde. I’d like some elvish buildings please.
I would cut down the new world tree to provide firewood so I can BBQ Baine 
That’s fine, poor Horde need wood to burn all those fires in Orgrimmar.
Also be careful as Goblins will steal anything including your organs to sell on the black market 
Nope. I’d protect it at all cost if it meant this. I’m sure Fryakk would be on my side too.
I wouldnt, only because its going to cause another 3x expansion storyline to get another tree 
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So what you’re all saying is that player housing isn’t really needed to sweeten the deal- just cutting the tree down is enough?