In terms of seeing Unique Better Building Design that doesn’t look like Stormwind 2.0 or 3.0 I wouldn’t mind seeing Stromgarde in Arathi Highlands be like Updated and Unique like Hallowsfall Arathi Nation in the War Within.
Do you guys think? Would the Arathi Faction Hallowsfall Design of the Buildings Make Stromgarde Better and Unique?
I think anything that adds context, culture and world-building to the human societies of Azeroth is welcome and long overdue
It’s amazing how much screen time Stormwind has soaked up over the years while divulging practically nothing about itself or its people.
I mean Stormwind is a good kingdom and interesting in it’s own right but when it has too much screentime you can get bored with it alot of times. There’s so much you can do with Stormwind until your like ok enough with Stormwind where’s other Human Kingdoms.
Honestly I think Stromgarde, Lordaeron, and Alterac Humans could use updates right about now.
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That will be saved for the Continent of Lordaeron Expansion I dare say.
Quel’Thalas is being given it’s own Expansion so it shouldn’t surprise us that all other Continents of the Eastern Kingdoms Supercontinent get their own Expansions too!
All I know about Stormwind is that it’s nobles were complicit in underpaying workers and told you to assassinate said workers when they were understandably upset.
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There is mention of it having the Brotherhood of the Horse AKA the Knights of Stormwind which was a group of Knights.
If we have a Continent of Azeroth Expansion after the Lordaeron and Khaz Modan Expansions then heavily involving the Brotherhood of the Horse(giving them a Main Headquarters that is a major landmark extremely visible just as the Cathedral of the Light is) and the House of Nobles should be paramount!
No, by definition that would make it not unique. The whole point of hallowfall is that it’s a pocket of human civilisation that’s been isolated for centuries in a very weird place. It should be its own thing. Whereas stromgarde is a place in the regular world that’s been rebuilt and resettled by people very much of stormwind. It would be like stormwind. But with more red.
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