Would this be a Faux Pas (AKA Prepping for TWW)

I assume the voice of Azeroth in The War Within was heard by our fellow heroes. But would it be too remiss to have Shaman kind of RP that they feel something is going on, something bigger than usual.

They are in-tune with the elements; be it the rock before their feet (or in Dedaru’s case, her hooves) to the wind through their hair.

So could I roleplay that Dedaru is noticing something or ‘hearing’ something?


Perhaps one should wait until we learn a bit more.

Expac isn’t do out for a year yet… you got time.

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Something vague seems reasonable. We as players know only as much as has been revealed so far. A faint feeling, a voice, something is going on somewhere.


I think a vague “hmm, the earth feels weird lately” sounds fine. As for hearing voices/getting visions like Thrall, Anduin, etc are getting–I would hold off until Blizzard confirms that your average Azerothian citizen is hearing/seeing those things too. It’s possible that only major lore characters and “the Champion!!!” are receiving these calls, in which case it wouldn’t be appropriate for your character to get them–so it’s best to wait for further info from Blizzard about that.

For what it’s worth, I hope they do confirm that your average Azerothians are privy to these things. Maybe not right now–it’s probably still in the early, faint stages where most people wouldn’t be able to notice it–but once we get closer to launch, I think it’d be neat to see a bit of panic in the streets as your everyday citizen begins to hear Azeroth calling out to them.

But yeah, for now–always best to err on the side of caution. Though again, I think a vague “something’s not quite right” feeling for a shaman is pretty reasonable!


Thanks! Just makes sense for Shamans to be like “Yeah there’s something weird going on” because of how in-tune they are with the Elements.