Would there ever be another Racial leader who is in charge of the Alliance?

Its scary how times have changed. The Horde is more of an alliance than the actual Alliance, and the Alliance is more like the old Horde than the WoW horde ever was.

Also the Horde is the only faction to dip into its “WC2 roots.” The Alliance never has, outside of out of game advertisements of humans vs orcs.

No where to the extent of the Alliance. There has been no “Human fatigue,” and likely never will. Humans are put on a pedestal in the Alliance because cashing in on ethnocentrism is an easy way to drum up support and popularity with little effort because its based on association. Never mind the Horde has actually had non-orc warchiefs.

I recall in a Speech class textbook the dangers of using ethnocentrism in a speech. Its easy to go overboard and marginalize people not of the same ethnicity as the one you are appealing to, and even dangerous as it can come across as racial superiority. It seems Blizzard feel for this common trap in writing. Its easy to write for a human being the leader and overcoming hard odds with poorly thought out notions like “determination” or “spirit” instead of giving a reason backed by real thinking or biology. Its an extremely common trope in fantasy. Its the lowest common denominator in writing. Hell, Bioware straight up said in did in regards to Mass Effect not having playable aliens.

Don’t believe me? look it up on Tvtropes.


The fact of the matter is, Humans are the rulers of the alliance not just because Blizzard likes writing for them, but because Blizzard despises writing for the alliance outside of key characters. Blizzard as gone as far as to state they dislike writing for the Alliance back in Cataclysm because writing everything with a Lawful Good tint to it is boring and hard to come up with new ideas with. The High King title exists only to simply the alliance as a faction to one leader and justify the Alliance doing nothing but sit around for the Horde to beat up and kick off yet another faction conflict, as well as a cheap attempt to manufacture “Faction Pride” the only way they know how, by copying the Horde.

How does this tie into Night elves? Its simple: They don’t belong in the Alliance. As a druidic nature-based race, they are the anathema of the rest of the civilized Alliance. Chaotic Neutral cannot co-exist with Lawful Good. So Blizzard reacts with retcons and intentionally ignoring conflict that is natural with conflicting alignments. This also ties in with Reallyhappy’s theory that Blizzard targets Night elves because they actually have a strong lore foundation, and its easier to destroy than create new lore as well as Evil acts while Good reacts. The Gnomes and Draenei’s losses are backstory, the night elves are losing everything in game time. The Worgen are an exception, but Blizzard has been ignoring them like the Tauren usually are horde side.

As for the rest of your argument, I’m not going to bother wasting my time. Come back with one that doesn’t hinge on hyberbole and character assassination and maybe I’ll deign a response.