Would Survival tactics baseline be OP in PVE?


The devs have made some “mandatory” PVP talents baseline in the past (f.e. Roar of Sacrifice)

How about making Survival Tactics baseline too in the general tree? This would allow for more freedom in choosing your 3 PVP talents as any spec of hunter

What I’m unsure about is how good this will be in PVE. Would it be too strong?

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Definitely. 90% reduction for 3s on a 30s CD would very likely be the best defensive in the game. Maybe 50% with a 1min ICD could work since you’d need to be in FD for those 3s~ and work similar to dispersion.

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I’d rather just see Feign actually be able to cast-cancel perfectly reliably. Make what it does well better before tacking on new effects.

Thereafter, similarly to with Spell Reflect, maybe tack on further a 40% DR while channeling or a 30% DR while channeling and for 1 second thereafter, since it costs uptime to maintain for more than the remainder of one’s GCD.