Would love to see solo que pvp arena

I am sure many people will have strong opinions about this, but hear me out. I believe a solo queue 3v3 could be great for the game, and here’s how I would implement it if I were the developers.

First, I would give a daily reward to players for winning two arena games per day. The reward would be a substantial amount of gold, perhaps a loot box that has a chance to drop items like pets, mounts, etc. This reward would be given to all arena players, not just those in the solo queue, so that high-rated players wouldn’t feel like they were missing out by not participating in the solo queue. This is because the higher the rating, the less likely you would find a game and the less likely you would win a game.

Second, I would integrate the solo queue into the regular 3v3 bracket so that a random solo team could end up facing a group queuing as a three-person team. Would this be a bit unfair? Yes, but many of the games happening right now aren’t much different. A lot of people are just playing with randoms without voice communication and could end up facing a real 3v3 team with voice comms, putting them at a significant disadvantage. However, people know they will be at a disadvantage. They don’t mind, and if they do, they know they can always use voice comms if they want to push their rating. Essentially, they understand they are at a disadvantage, but it’s not an issue for them; they just want to play the game. A solo queue could operate under the same principle. I think we would see a surge of people playing in the low ratings bracket, which would be beneficial because more rating would be in the game, and you wouldn’t be facing gladiators at 1800.

Essentially, the low ratings would have lots of action and the highest-rated players wouldn’t really see a change at all. There are a lot of players who would absolutely do arena but let’s be honest, it can be intimidating for new or less skilled players to step into the arena. If they perform poorly, there’s a high chance their team member will tell them they are not good after one game and leave. So, that person needs to find another player willing to play with them, and after the negative first experience, they would be less likely to keep going. Arena can be toxic after all, we all know this. If it was more inviting to newer players and easier to get started I think it would be great for the game because many of those players would eventually reach a point where they cant push any higher in solo que and branch out to look for a real team.

I wouldn’t use a solo shuffle style like retail has because I don’t like how it splits up the player base, I think the players should all be in the same bracket. It would be simple, a random healer and 2 random dps and it would just be 1 game, with the option for the players to join a group after the game if they want to continue as a group. I would even make it so you didn’t need to join solo, you could join with a buddy and it just finds you guys a random 3rd.

Thanks for getting this far.


i wish 1v1 arena was a thing.


That would be pretty cool, it might be hard to balance but I know dueling is a big thing for a lot of players, it would be cool to give them a way to consistently do 1v1’s without needing to find players willing to duel.

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I actually support this idea if it is baked into the regular 3v3 bracket. Strongly against if it is it’s own bracket like r*tail. The last thing this game, and WoW needs, is to further split the playerbase. But this change would serve to boost the amount of players in 3v3 in general, the ratings of the ladder in general, and the ratings of premade 3v3 teams specifically.

It was called skirmish and blizz removed it

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They were (skirms) in Cata OG as I remember it, and MoP also.

Not even close to being the same thing.

My RL friends quit raiding during OG Wrath, I decided to give PVP a try in Cata. It was not fun trying to jump into arenas and learn with people I didn’t know, most people I grouped with put me on ignore after a match or two. I gave MOBA’s a try and never came back to WOW’s PVP, got my PVP fix in those games.

I don’t remember a solo skirmish mode in cata, but if I had known I would have stayed around and learned to play my class.

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Looks like they were removed in OG Cata…

id play the heck out of solo shuffle. just ban tank specs ok

can you expand upon this idea a bit more?

Just add solo Q and MMR tied to it . you will get players that is around your skill level. you can queue whenever you want and not wait for your partners to get of work and you dont have to loook for partners that suits your needs because on some realms there are not muuch to work with. Do MCH setups for balance.

Do not bake it in with regular 3s comps because they are just greedy to feed on people who sit without coms.

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Wow, yeah removed in cata and brought back in WoD, crazy its been 12 years I’m just remembering wrong. I did so many arenas and made so much on weapons carrying, must have just blended it all together.,

Gonna have to ban healers, May as well ban DPS too

Nah I like 3s being an active bracket for once.

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not everyone has a bnet full of friends to queue with though, I like the idea of coming back from work and just being able to queue


Wake up 3x3 fans, there is now a 3x3 arena for Streamers, Pro Players and their friends.
While Streamers on R1 have played 800 games already, you’re still looking for a teammate just to take your 1.8s

The arena is just dead, only 100 people from retail are happу. 2024, all normal games have Solo Q , Developer think to yourself in your world how a player from 0 should master 3x3? When you have all the LFG in glads 4k exp. Kekw


Solo q would be nice. Warmane has it on the old original 3.3.5 client so shouldnt be hard to implement. Swap wargames with skirms or 3s soloq.

The flame on the forums would be hilarious too. Poor healers will be blamed cause zug brain.