Would enh work with feral druid

as it states- would enhance work with feral druid for 3s?
My friend bamboozled me last minute that hes rolling feral druid main for 3s and wants to push 2200+.

We have an evoker healer and now im trying to decide if i should reroll from enhance to a different class.

Its too early to guess at a meta or what comp combinations will be powerful but i would not bet heavily on enh/feral/healer.

Ele / feral has been a strong comp in past seasons, or else maybe something like dk/feral or warrior/feral for melee options and shadow, mage, warlock or hunter would probably be the likelier successful comps

There’s so much to the new talent system, I think if you really put your minds to it you can come up with some strats that will help you reach your goals.

You have to look at the things your kit lacks, and see if feral can cover it. For starters, feral is a stealth, which all but guarantees you are the primary target. That said, Feral brings cyclone which is a really nice CC — they bring off-healing.

I am uncertain if feral brings a mortal strike, which is the really big one, and a reason why we often work so well with warrior. Intervene was another, but I believe that’s gone now.

So its really about seeing if you and your friend can fill the gaps in each other’s toolkits, and from there its about player synergy. Do you work well together? Then you can probably make it work to a certain rating.

Make him go DH, SP or WL and just hide behind him the entire game. Pretty sure they can solo their way to 2400.

thats not a very constructive post lmfao. But thanks I guess? lol.

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I feel like with the enh style of big ele blast/lightning bolts on set up kills you could make it work if you guys synergize

Ha, sorry. A little salt on this end lol.

Play around with it. Just because it’s not “META” doesn’t mean it can’t work. With the amount of mobility and roots that both have access to it could be a really fun cat and mouse comp.

Just spitballing because no one really knows until we get there.

Whoever is being focused sits defensive form (bear/ghost wolf) kites while the other plays nuisance (cc/peel/snare/heal).

Play the stacks game, fish for trinkets defensives while resetting then go hard.

But hey what do I know.