Would be really cool if they would stop deleting transmog

I’ve spent weeks farming for some.


open a ticket

I wouldn’t remember what I had, so please just don’t delete it.

I’m not following, what?

they removed the whole model

i seem to recall reading about this being an issue a good while ago for some people, wild (but not surprising) that it’s still going on.

i hope for your sake and those that do suffer that bug get a fix from the company sooner rather than later.

What’re we talking about specifically?

Vest of Rupturing Diamonds

The same model drops out of Eye of Azshara’s serpent boss. Just go get it from there.

No it doesnt , they changed all of them

How? Are you referring to the boobs? Because boobs are demon hunter only and have been demon hunter only since they had been brought into the game. The leather top is a full top on all leather classes except DH. Which is why the screenshot on WoWhead is of a DH.

This is in game right now. See?

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So your telling me that blizz changed how the armor looks for the new xpack exclusive models back in legion? Made them look much better? Thanks

Yes. It’s been that way since demon hunters were brought in. Other models share the same attributes. If you look at the honor model from season 1 of Legion, there’s a black lining / undershirt of the leather. On demon hunters, it is absent and instead is just the leather wrap around the breasts going down into the waistline, revealing the belly and the whole back.

Demon hunters have always (for Legion season 1 and all that) shown more skin than any other leather wearer. Much the same, the top from Blackrook Hold is nothing other than an over glorified sports bra for demon hunters whereas it is a full top for all other leather wearers.

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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing.

Dear OP,
After you have received a piece of gear, it is placed in your gear journal. Keep in mind that if it is a bind on equip piece of gear, you must first equip it for it to be logged in the journal. If it disappears from there, then it is a bug. They are not deleting it on purpose.

As others have said, you should put in a ticket if you are missing items from the journal that you collected.

Since it could take some time for a ticket to be answered, another thing you could do is to go to the self-service gear restoration area and find the gear and try restoring it, equipping it and seeing if it logs in the journal. When you do this, take a screen shot so that if it disappears, you can send the screenshot along with your ticket.

Hope you find your gear!

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