Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

You dont have to be chatty on voice, jump on say hi, answer questions directed at you, call out your stuff (interupts,taunts,certain cooldowns etc) and you are talking as much as any raider.

Reading about mental health history is pretty horrible. You either got locked up, had surgery against your will, or killed. I don’t think the disabled even had human rights until the 70s, I believe? I don’t know why that poster held up previous generations as an ideal tbh.


For reference in the US:

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I was referencing the United nations one, but it is interesting to see USA did that 2 years before my country. Bloody bludgers.

Oh, good point. I didn’t even consider the UN, now I’m gunna check 'em out!

Here’s the resolution I think you’re referencing:

That title seems very dated now, to me at least.

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I really appreciate this perspective. Thank you for sharing it

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Yeah, I learnt about it through work (disability work in aus). Since I’m way too young to have been around for it, it kinda blew my mind.

Unfortunately, as to the title, that’s just how it goes. It seems to be:

  1. Use a new medical term
  2. People use it to belittle others
  3. Think of a new medical term

Lame, crazy, retarded, slow, dumb, etc.

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You’re right. Unfortunately all it takes is one toxic interaction and all that practice is undone. Or at least a setback. My guild has disappeared the last two weeks (they’re bored with content) so I’ve actually been forced to use LFG and it’s really hard for me. I sometimes sit and stare at the group I want to join, unable to pull the trigger.

But over the last couple weeks I’ve focused on getting into m0s and some 2-4s and have been feeling more and more comfortable. I’m getting better in a lot of ways. I have started pugging 5-7s on my fury warrior, 2-4 on my paly tank, and starting my own groups sometimes.

But this morning one jerk set me back days. I was tanking HoA on a 5 key (first time trying that level key) and this mage (who will remain nameless) started complaining that I wasn’t pulling enough. The healer was struggling so I was keeping it simple. But we were on track to get it done with lots of time to spare.

So I just kept what I was doing and the mage started pulling extra. A lot extra. so we wiped and he then started going off on me for not being able to handle AoE aggro. Then he left, ruining the group leaders key. It’s going to take me a few days to shake that off :confused:

This is a fair question. I’ll try to answer it. Humans are social animals–we require some social interaction to remain healthy. I actually like playing a game where I know other people are playing. I just have a really hard time interacting with them. I make friends over time and I have a really solid pool of people I trust and get along with, but it doesn’t change the fact that interacting even with them can be exhausting.

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Yeah. Really scary, especially when you consider that unless you were an adult, property-owning male, you could be committed for almost any reason.

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I am unsure if you meant to be hurtful towards those of us who suffer from Anxiety and other mental health conditions. I am in my 50s and did not get a proper diagnosis until I was 30 some. See back when I was younger I was told to stop being shy, there was nothing to be afraid of etc… which to be honest only make my anxiety worse and I would also feel like I was alone in the world and had to hide what I was feeling.
I detest when people say what you have as you have no idea what they are feeling or have gone through. How about you say I don’t understand but am sorry you feel that way… that is much more supportive.
I am not sure if you know this or not but mental health issues do kill people everyday. It is truly a hidden illness and I hope you never have to deal with it in your life either with yourself or a loved one.

You don’t need voice for arena. I’ve hit 2300 with no voice this season that has plenty of multiglads and r1s on alts boosting. You can do it too.