Would be nice to not have anxiety tbh

Have you tried therapy and/or medication? I am not saying that snarkily, I mean it sincerely. I would be a mess if not for my meds. Well arguably I am a mess either way, but you get the idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

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So you deny the link between physical health and mental, as well as a diet rich in protein and fat needed for the brain.

Sedentary video game, stare at screen, too anxious to interact??? lololololol

Even diet healthy people can have mental problems.

Anxiety and depression do not care.

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Life is tough.

Either take a risk and put yourself out there, realizing it isn’t as bad as you thought it was, or don’t, and don’t realize it.

Life goes on, either way.

All the best!

Unfortunately most self diagnosed cases of “anxiety” are just being a baby.

If you guys need a friend hit me up, don’t let crippling anxiety hurt you forever.

Hey Jojo, just checking to see how you’re doing. Hang in there, man. Your quips and fun takes on the game are usually comedic relief at times. Thanks for sharing them and this.


Sorry to hear. My wife suffers from anxiety and I see daily how debilitating it can be.


Maybe just try not being like the way you are.

^ This!

OP, it is never too late. I have anxiety, too, and want to say: don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’d encourage you to follow the others’ advice and see if your doctor can help-- the sooner you do, the sooner you can start exploring available options to manage anxiety. Why wait to feel better? :wink:

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Dude why are u playing an mmo then I’m genuinely curious

It’s never too late to change. Mental illness is no joke man, get help. Some therapy and light meds can work absolute wonders. My brother is living proof. Guy went from a hermit to a normal guy with a babe for a gf.

Every next generation gets babied more and more to be blunt, something needs to harden these people, folks are seriously worrying about putting a headset on and talking through a microphone on a video game.

This thread feels like a poster child for why the character limit in Kind Words is a significant detriment to it.

I’ve always had social anxiety. Especially phone anxiety. Something about not seeing the person I’m speaking to just drives my anxiety haywire. It took me a while to push past the initial fear of speaking on voice comms, and I still struggle with it. Takes me a long time to get comfortable talking at all. Still something I have to work on but I think I’m better than I was a year ago. It is possible, but you have to keep doing it. Then it slowly gets easier.

to get rid of anxiety would change my entire life tbh. it would be great.
Most of the time I type stuff and just ESC bcz i second guess myself and just decide its not worth it. Its hard to do the simplest things.

I used to have social anxiety, working out improved my confidence and the anxiety gradually diminished.

I’m a bit older (Gen X) and I agree and disagree with this.

I’m a veteran. It’s weird to hear my buddy tell me about ‘stress cards’ in his son’s basic training so you can get a time out from the ‘mean’ drill sergeants. Or when I am at my VA appointments, being treated with kid gloves when that certainly was not the case when I was on active duty.

I used to wonder why all these Millennials and Gen Zers thought like this era is the worst ever. Well they are not being taught history and the media inundates them with BS 24/7.

I also used to think. Cyber bullying was a bunch of bunk. Just get off social media. Problem solved. Then I got to thinking about being bullied in middle school. What was the worst part about it. The fighting? No, I was actually pretty good at that. If someone pushed me to that point, usually they were in for an azz-beating. I realized it was the constant psychological abuse from when I got to the bus stop in the morning until I started walking home in the afternoon. But once I got home and was around just family/friends, I was all good… until the next day. Well with social media, it’s always the next day and being raised with it, it is a much bigger part of their life.

Their blessing and their curse is growing up in the age of information technology.

I get it, it’s hard to relate when you grew up in a ‘just rub dirt on it’ generation. Sure we can sit on our high horse and tell them to toughen up… or we can listen to them and try to see their point of view.

Really all that is beside the point. What we’re talking about here is a mental illness. To my knowledge no generation was immune to those.


If you argue for your limitations you get to keep them.