Would be cool if we got an actual solo queue

Let us solo queue into 3s. If you want to queue alone and be given 2 randos or queue with a friend and be given 1 rando or queue with a full team of 3, just make it possible.

Give people solo queueing preferential bias to match with others also solo queueing but if they can’t find anyone, let the solo queuers match against the full 3s team (give them a handicap like if they lose they only lose half their cr/mmr).

This system would be much better than forcing us to play 6 rounds of 1-3min matches that ramp damp up so fast healers can’t do anything 2minutes in and it’ll make people who want to queue 3s happier because the ladder would have more people queueing and will make solo queuers happy because now they can also get gladiator and the mount.


Finally people won’t be able to dodge prot 3s

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Should be a 2v2 shuffle ladder that is purely DPS that can be qd alongside every other bracket.

Healers can q regular 2v2
DPS that only wanna speed q vs other dps can q 2v2 shuffle.

Good way to make qs for normal shuffle seem less annoying.

Give it some rewards to separate from skirms, a ladder, all that.


Sorry in my scenario all tanks are banned from using solo queue, if they want to tank in pvp they can do bg or wpvp

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They aren’t excluded from anything else so they wouldn’t be from this either :dracthyr_uwu: :shield:

Would you just leave every game? You said you only did that to abuse Mmr in DF and then I saw 2 other people post you leaving shuffles after that…

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That’s the beauty, there would be literally no reason for anyone to leave it since it’s only 1 match

Who tryna abuse mmr exploits to get 2k shuff :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

I won’t be fodder for the boosters, so no thanks.

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You weren’t ever really in danger of that.

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That’s just false, you can’t abuse cr/mmr by leaving shuffle unless you go under 1400 and get the cr boost, anything over that you get no where near the amount you need to make up for it unless you go 6:0 in 2 games. Only reason I leave is I don’t want to keep playing that match for 6 rounds and I’d rather take deserter and do something else with my time.

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See, he doesn’t even know

Ye, that’s fair

And probably why most people dip

I’ve literally never left a 2s 3s or BGB (actually I left 1 BGB to test something) but there’s no reason to leave those since it’s 1 round and you win or lose and be done with it.

Well, sort. You’re locked into those modes unlike shuffle.

I’m locked into SS too, same map and same players for 6 rounds

No, the match concludes in the event there’s a leaver.

That’s the very important distinction here.

2s, 3s, blitz(?) play out regardless.

Oh yeah, true

yea buddy ur right kenny wrong

There’s boosters in every aspect of wow PVP, you can’t avoid them no matter which format you play. They’re a whole separate issue that needs to be addressed.

That has very little to do with what I said.