Would a shaman tank use a 2h or a shield?

For example using the 2h they’d use elemental magic to conjure a shield, so it would essentially be like a titans grip style tank.

Something about 1h & shield equipment just looks ridiculous for a shaman tank

I see either a 1h and shield or dw.

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It would probably be a more evolved version of SoD… which would be a 1-handed weapon and shield.


That depends, I don’t play Warrior or Paladin but does block still scale with strength? Either way they’d have to re-stat a lot of items to make it work unless they made it some sort of int tank.

Would our tank be str or agi based?

As I said, they would either need to re-stat a lot of items to make it so gear exists for this new spec or make it intellect-based.

Probably Int - we have 2x str shield tanks already and shields are only str/int. Shamans becoming the first caster tank would be sick… that’s basically what they are in SoD.

I think it will be agi if it happens.

I’d be fine with either. Like Vulpera has said already, if they decided to go with a shield, they’d have to either make it an intellect spec, or they’d have to re-tool a lot of shields in the game to have agility on them to be able to scale with an agility tank.

I could easily see them going with a 2H since we technically have access to maces and axes already. (And staves) and they could have it so we use our magic to conjure elemental shields (winds whistling around us, or a physical earth barrier ect.) and just have us smacking dudes with a big mace.

Or they could have us dual wielding and they wouldn’t have to change a whole lot since they already have the framework from Enhance.

All they’d need to do is add in some passives that jack our armour bonus and health up and crit reduction based on our weapon profile and bam, tank stats.

We wouldn’t necessarily need to use the weapons themselves to defend ourselves. Look at Bears, DH and monks. None of them use their weapons as defensive tools. DK’s, Pallies and Warriors do, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that a Shaman would have to, since they’d have access to the elements to wield as defensives.

I would like to see a version of a 2H shammy as a reference to that one patch way back in Vanilla when 2H windfury was good for like 3 months. But other than that, I could see them going with DW since they already have it coded into the class.