WOTLK Timewalking scaling issues

Confirmed here too. I’ll be instant leaving HoL until this is resolved. It’s not worth it. Nexus is a toss up. It was always on the longer side. The trees and intense cold might tip it over the edge of not being worth it either.

Same, if I even bother right now.

Halal food is great! I sometimes go grab some Mediterranean food from a Chipotle-like chain restaurant called CAVA – I wonder if we might be having that for dinner…?

Also, to add onto my point about the current lack of balance – General Bjargrim from HoL was VERY difficult as well, and wiped my whole group multiple times.

P.S. This is Xavanthos, by the way

These two dungeons seemingly changed for no reason. I wonder which M+ season they are going to show up in.

Just ran “The Nexus” with a group, and some of the ads were one-shoting the group, and the final boss kept saying we had cold stacks when all of us were jumping/moving. We all died about 10 times each before we finally got her down. Something is definitely going on with the timewalking dungeons this week.

I even tried to Guardian Spirit the person targeted and it didn’t even trigger.

Have this encounter with Ionar one moment thing fine, then Hunter go down then some how, BAM Dead on hte floor… What the heck? Blizz!!!

Confirmed, also just dropping hunter pets immediately even when the tank has aggro.

Arc Weld’s scaling is also way, way off in HoL.

I had arc weld pop for 17k when my hp on a MW monk was only 5k in TW

Same issue the dungeons are bugged,

Looks like some are bugged and others are fine. HOL is pretty much impossible to do because the mechanics (which read 669 damage on tooltip) are putting out 13k+ and tanks only have 7-10k max

Edit: Also Nexus - the tree NPCs that pat are insane.

Yuuuup, the scaling is completely borked rn :confused: HoL, like everyone is reporting, is garbage to run, most of the bosses can and will instantly kill you.

Yep Ionar is borked big time.

My entire group wiped on trash on HoL.

My experiences as a tank. I did 5 and these are the two that seemed broken.

HoL: Ionar hits for 15-17k and one shots tanks and everyone else making the dungeon near impossible to complete. (We somehow downed him with pally bubbles, shaman totem thing, and druid res.) There’s trash that also one shots people.

Nexus: The final boss’s move mechanic is scaled really high, but avoidable if you don’t have to hard cast anything. The trash by the rock boss is scaled super high and hits very hard.

Not just timewalking: chromie time leveling has the same problem

You can’t be serious… :unamused: :man_facepalming:

HOL and Nexus are super bugged atm.

Hol static roots, Ionar bosses are bugged

Nexus Treants frost shields are one shotting people instead of stunning

Last boss debuff is 1 shotting even at 1 stack

I wonder how Ulduar is going atm



HOL the static charge is one shotting everyone.