WotLK Suggestion - Classic Druid Skins Option - Barber


Soo something that originally brought me back to playing my Druid was the Vanilla + TBC Cat and Bear forms. I originally formed an identity with my class as a Druid with the old purple Lynx and grey Bear skins. Unfortunately we had the new skins released in WotLK and I lost the immersion and attachment I had with the Druid class as a result. To this day, Blizzard has not given an option to be able to use the old skins either server side or local.

This is to me a really important part to the Druid Class fantasy and my identification with it. I would love Blizzard to recognise this idea if possible.

I suggest either:

  1. An option in the graphics panel be given to allow players to locally see their character as the old skin.
  2. An option in the barbershop to use the Classic default skins server side.


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Sounds reasonable and is “classic” like.

The less intrusive the best but I mean keeping in theme they could also add minor glyphs for bear and cat. I think it would have a minor impact and would be a nice addition.