WOTLK - PvP flag still interfering with party-wide buffs and heal


That just means it’s spaghetti all the way down and it still should’ve been fixed years ago.

Mmmm I’m not seeing it. They argued that PVP flag mechanics are working as intended. The only change (which Blizzard has said they’re working on) is making flags completely removed when inside instances. No reason to change the mechanics of buffing or healing.


They’ve never ever said they’re working on fixing it like this and so far their fixes have involved flagging you in a specific way which backfired spectacularly cause apparently pvp flag is tied to your server type.

Just ignore the function in instances. It serves absolutely no purporse in instanced content. And that’s being overly overbearing on it’s purpose outside of instances.

I mean, come on.

That’s intent, not a fix.

Ignoring the function in instances is the smoothest way to accomplish this based on their actions this past week.

Unless you have access to the game’s code, this is conjecture, not fact.

It’s their intended fix.


Bump. I logged in specifically to complain about this and bump the thread because this bug is ruining the quality of life in gammas.

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Apologies for the late reply, but we are still working on this. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as saying “No PVP flags allowed in instances”. No ETA yet, but it is still very much being worked on.

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Hey all, we just deployed a hotfix for this. Dungeons and raids going forward should no longer have PVP flags in them. Please reply here ASAP if you run into any more issues!

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