[WOTLK] - Orc DK - Axe or Sword (Brutal)?

+50 Str on sword
+100 AP on axe, with +5 expertise (racial)

-As a Blood Tank, I’m thinking Axe? Wowhead says BiS, but lots of people said the Str is better b/c of the scaling with spells and AP.

Whats better?

Just use what you like.
For fantasy, Axe for orc, or you can use sword and consider yourself blademaster.
Do NOT mind too much for the stats if those items have same ilvl. Of course in this case sword is better, but are you in the top guilds? If you’re not in the top guilds running for world first, just do what you like, enjoy the game

Strength not just increase same AP in this case, it also increase the armor if you’re talented.

You’ll get more damage from the Sword, strength in its pure form will convert to attack power at a better rate than what pure attack power typically gives.

Expertise is very good to have but you can just sit behind your target so you can’t be parried and racial expertise in Wotlk isn’t enough on its own it’s better when combined together with expertise items to reach a threshold, unless you’re a tank, when an npc parried you it begins to swing back at you even faster doing more damage than it normally would in a short period of time.

You can use whichever you want I guess, it’s not like either one is weak, even though the axe is a hunter weapon it will still do its job of killing things.

I’m tank, so I went axe. Thanks man

Expertise and hit are extremely important. More important than main stat. Main stat means nothing if you cant hit your target.