Wotlk officially dead

If QoL was such a great thing for MMORPGs the market wouldn’t be dead.

MMO RPG’s with QoL(including retail) are doing better than classic era :stuck_out_tongue:

Retail has less than 15% of its peak playerbase.

And classic has even less and since you brought up MMO’s in general when you add up all of them the ones with QoL vastly outnumber era :stuck_out_tongue:

You said it failed rather spectacularly at resolving some of Wrath’s gameplay issues. Would you care to elaborate on how, specifically, Cataclysm failed to address some of Wrath’s glaring issues in terms of gameplay?

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We arent taking anything out of context. You arent losing anything, an expansion expands progress. People are acting like their achievements are being taken away when they arent.

Alright, so Frost DK and Unholy get drastically different designs? How about destro lock? Drastically different?. No, 90% of it is exactly the same. KM gets shifted to Obliterate and Frost Strike instead of Howling Blast, Icy Touch and Frost Strike, Unholy is the same just gets Sudden Doom as a proc, Destro is largely the same it just adds a proc for Soul Fire.

Being hyperbolic doesnt help your case. Do they change? A little bit. Does it change the game entirely? No and a lot of these changes improve a lot of stuff. Its just the rest of the game sucks.

Given that people still dont know how Bromjahm works, it makes sense. Cant kill a soul, cant move to the middle, and blames the tank when there is unavoidable damage and they think they got aggro and they arent even the tank in terms of dps output.

You’re missing the point. People have very bad, inaccurate arguments about this issue. Saying their progress is lost, they’re wasting their time, etc. That makes no sense. Play the game to play the game. That’s its own reward, and if it’s not…why are they even playing?

And quitting Wrath over this is about the worst thing they could do. What message do you think that sends to Blizzard? Do you think the Classic devs are sitting there going, “Wow, look at how few people are playing Wrath Classic. This definitely warrants some Wrath Era servers!” No, the only message they’re sending is that they don’t actually want to play Wrath. They just like the idea of playing Wrath.

Yeah… once Cata hits your progress through wrath gets wiped away! You not longer have cleared naxx, saved Azeroth from an annihilation beam in Ulduar, trained in the Tournament Grounds and assaulted ICC and killed the Lich King.

Thats what losing progress means. If you lose progress thats a regression and that isnt happening.

Well it does put a finite lifespan on how useful your progression in Wrath will be.

But obviously the bigger issue is that Cata massively changes the gameplay.

Sure it is a character with full BiS at the end wrath will no longer have full BiS when Cata is out.

Yes! WoTLK Is dead get over it and move on…

No it isnt. Your character is not regressing. Your character is having a new ceiling applied to it for more progression. Nothing is lost.

I just explained how the character is in fact regressing :slight_smile:

They’re literally all dead.

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Honestly same for me. As soon as they mentioned cataclysm classic with no plans for permanent wrath classic at this time. I kind of went a little crazy. I really have no motivation to play anymore.

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No, you didnt. You said people are losing BiS, but they arent. No gear is being taken away to regress.

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Was gonna say, most MMOs in the traditional meaning of the term MMO went niche or died. QoL, sustained development and a cornered market keep them alive, but we’re not in the prime of WoW where it held the equivalent of ~4% of the population of the US back during Wrath launch.

People want to talk about Wrath being “it”, or 11.0 for Retail being “it”, but the reality is that WoW’s either going to maintain a plateau or it’s going to continue dying off. The game’s never going to see massive popularity boosts again.

I agree. Neither are any of the MMORPGs that copied post QoL WoW during the WoW clone era of MMOs. Only one that does well is FFXIV. ESO/GW2 do alright. There is definitely a market to be tapped in for a true MMoRPG next gen experience. Main reason I think New World was able to dethrone WoWs launch

The problem we run into is those newer MMOs standing up past the honeymoon phase, and we just keep getting flop after flop. It sucks watching it just continue, but it’s just the norm for this market now.

Honestly, I think what makes FFXIV stand up in the market is that it doesn’t even try to be WoW. It did back in the day, crashed and burned, and now it’s very much its own game. Even FFXIV regularly sits on plateaus, though; its last major uptick was more a protest against Blizzard than anything else.

GW2 and ESO spent too long riding the WoW wave to be anything other than mediocre alternatives.

Cata will be full…
of bots XD

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