Wotlk officially dead

I sure as hell don’t, I just didn’t want SoD released and for the buff to ICC raids to be pushed back.

the funny thing is that you are trolling while being on your dracthyr, flagged

it’s slow going because sod is the new toy.
every wow game atm is on cruise control classic was
due for another season for a while so the timing is OK imo.
they could have waited a wee bit longer maybe in January but it’s meh. i just want tbcc again

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Yes, people try something new. It doesn’t mean they are done with wrath. I went over to try sod the past 2 weeks. It showed wrath is still the better game. Need to see how many return to wrath…not how many tried something new.

Keep in mind, this isn’t even og wrath…

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They should leave an era server for the 1st 3 expansions. They are the 3 that build wow and blizzard. If they cared about those customers that helped make them what they are today.

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No, people are just raid logging because there’s nothing to do in it other than raiding and PvP…

It’s not just SoD. It’s also because WOTLK is hot garbage and everyone knows it.


Right?? My whole guild is playing SoD and no one cares about Wrath anymore.

SoD will die in another week. Brief resurgences each new level cap, but the population will still dwindle. Even with the new rune abilities, people have done vanilla leveling multiple times since 2019, that second half 30-60 is really slow and dry.

This is blizzard’s last attempt to capture subscriptions from the nostalgia crowd. Big soyfacing for a gnomer and scarlet monastery raid. Bloodlust will be a level 60 rune and there will be a bunch of soyboy OMG NO WAY excitement over that too. Maybe they’ll give bloodlust to paladins. People are going to blast through the new raids and claim it’s the best WoW they have ever played, then mysteriously get bored and quit at the 1 month mark each phase.

When the new hype fades, when people complete the new progression, they will want the game that had the best pace of gameplay and best balance of class individuality vs homogeneity. This is WotLK. A WotLK era server would be plenty populated, it is simply a different playstyle for those who would reside there. It’s not for progging or parsing, it’s for fun. Battleground queues will be reasonable at primetime and on BG weekends. ICC at 30% is a chill raid to blast out with the homies. Wrath era is for people who love the game and are not addicted to chasing BiS on as many raiding characters as possible every new phase. We don’t care about following the crowd and running on the gear treadmill forever and ever.


I don’t think it’s just SoD. The release of SoD lined up perfectly with my own get my fix from ICC and bug out because I wasn’t interested in playing cata or retail. I tried SoD for 3-4 days and decided it wasn’t going to pull me back in either.


I think you mean PvB. Player vs. Bot.

Haven’t you been ‘cancelling’ your subscription for two years now?


I was enjoying Wrath again on alts once RDF hit. But then they announced no Wrath era.

And I’ve no desire to play Cata. So my desire to play tanked immediately. I purely raid log now. And unsubbed. I’ll resub as needed month to month until Wrath ends, tho. But that’s because I owe a debt to my guild that I intend to honour.

SoD might have been fun to experiment with… but lack of Wrath era servers just sucked the wind out of my sails. Plus, tbh, the parse meta obsession is a drag.

Back in the day, people who were obsessed with the meters competed to be on top within their guild. Which at least benefited said guild. The most hardcore would compete within servers.

But these days the ubiquity and ease of use for logging websites means people compete against the entire playerbase. And that turns it toxic. Because being in a “bad” guild means worse parses because longer kill time = lower bloodlust/proc uptime. So there’s incentive to hop guilds and a massive me-first mentality. So instead of the competitiveness improving guilds, it’s destroying them.

Kinda tired of it all. Least once Wrath ends I’ll have 6 hours/week back for other hobbies.


You’re thinking of MoP. They removed the daily quest limit specifically so you could do the hundreds of dailies they put in every day to rep grind. That was the sole end-game activity outside of raiding/pvp. They even discontinued rep tabards so you’d be forced to do dailies, and then locked vendor gear behind all the different reps. Even Ghostcrawler bragged about removing the daily limit as a feature of Mists of Pandaria.

Cata had a similar amount of dailies as wrath does but it also has dungeon tabards so you can just do dungeons instead of dailies.

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People want a WotLK server and it cant even survive SoD?!?


Too much moral damage and player base fragmentation beyond repair have been caused already.

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If people believe this then a wrath server isnt a good idea as it only fragments further

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It’s just the new thing. I’m just not sure why so many people thought the game would be fun at level 25. Of all the things I admire about the classic trifecta, pre-60 is not one of them.

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This is what I don’t understand. And there is TONS of complaining about everything… the raid, the pvp event, the rep grind, OP classes. I think a lot of WoW players just follow the crowd. An era server, no matter vanilla or wrath, is going to feel dead at first because many people go try out the shiny new thing, and everyone just finished doing prog as part of the crowd. The train is leaving the station. It takes a little time, but the population will rebound into a comfy level and the battleground queues will have more real players than they do right now. The bot infestation is really disheartening though. It is such a shame that Blizz cannot manage this problem. Incompetent or looking the other way…

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What if RDF was what drove people away? SoD is just prolonging the inevitable: People are fed up with Blizz push for retail metas, and RDF (and all the no-consequence/toxicity/horribadpeople it brought to dungeons) killed the game for more than a few dozen people I was guilded with.

No drama, no crabbiness, just logged off. Some tried SoD like me, to get a feel for what used to be.

I’m sure it’ll be fine though. Nothing lasts forever, and the 2nd go-around was fun enough until they plugged in all the garbage tokens, retail-looking mounts, and RDF.

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