[WotLK News] A live chat with Devs

Didn’t know that, always thought it meant the biggest thing within the room kind of deal.


LOL! 9 out of 10 threads are about RDF and it’s torn the community forum apart… but let’s not discuss it.



Not fond of the idea to squish item levels. I am not a fan of ToC at all, nor a fan of how ilvl scaling played out during wrath. But that’s how the game went.

To actually squish the entire tier is a substantial enough change that would make this wotlk+ instead of wotlk classic. And I don’t think that they could get it right either. So I’m voting no.

Folks will still be running Uld25 for Vals no matter what. No need to squish.


mate this isn’t about you or anyone else on the CC, no one is “shooting the messenger”. we think this proposed ilvl squish is moronic, now is our best chance to be loud about it before their team wastes any time/effort on building it


Despite commenting on your idioms, I actually do (and I think the vast majority) appreciate your time and effort both attending the meeting and relaying it out.

Don’t let the handful of negative folks beat you down. :wink:


That’s the worrying part. RDF might be a issue now but another problem just as big may come up later and the question here would be would they ignore that one too?

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RDF wasn’t on the table so we didn’t get anything.
It sucks, I know.

Not trying to defend but just yesterday someone dunked on the OP in a different topic, I said she isn’t that well-received and here’s the proof. Literally was talking about the OP. Like guys, at least we are getting some news about something.

I’m still very Pro-RDF but some of y’all need to chill. They still need to be respectful to the devs and not go off on them like we like to do sometimes. Just keep up the fight but don’t fight the wrong team.


“The proposal of reducing the iLvl (and in turn the stats) of items from ToC and onwards (That is T9, T10, Onyxia, Ruby Sanctum, S7 and S8) was made.”

Stop. Messing. With. The. Recipe.

With the dual spec upon launch and CWF book you’re already teetering dangerously close on the points of no return. QoL changes is one (annoying) difference but now you’re messing with the balance of the game. Stop.


Look at their recent past. All signs point to yes.

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We dont want RDF!!!


Fixed that for ya Buckaroo


well said actually. I’m not pro-rdf or against it, but the extremists are getting out of hand lol.


It’s kind of annoying that blizzard is still ignoring RDF discussion and they now just dropped another huge potential change in the ilvl squish through an intermediary.



Remove RDF from classic permanently
No Cata
No MoP


It’s just getting ridiculous. Literally every feature except RDF that was included in all stages of Wrath is in Wrath classic at launch. They’re even making stuff up do add to the launch.

They might as well add the Crusaders Colosseum because it’s the only thing left they haven’t added yet.


This isnt classic any more it’s Retail 2 lol, oh boy here we go.


They aren’t though. They responded doubling down saying it’s not coming and they understand your frustration like 10 days ago. Are they supposed to repeat themselves every week. That said.
We prolly getting RDF with ICC


I was truly sincere about thanking you for taking the time to post this information.

While the frustration is mostly at Blizz for jerking you guys around, it does feel at times that our Community Council only appears sporadically.

It is not personal. And again, I apologize for making it seem like an attack on you. It’s the system to blame.


There won’t be anyone left who cares by ICC. After Dragon flight poops the bed and Wrath 2.0 goes full GDPK, who’s still going to be here who’d use it?

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What? What benefit do they get?