WOTLK Heirloom Question

If you can only afford one plate of valor heirloom using emblems of heroism, would you get the chest or shoulders?

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With badges? I’d get the chest and get the pvp boa shoulders from WG

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Thanks, but I am talking PVE only at this point, for a leveling ret pally alt

I’m just saying you can use stonekeepers shards which you might have from dungeons to get shoulder pvp boas. Or do argent tourny to get the other piece.

That said if I only had one I’d go for shoulders if you aren’t gonna enchant, and if you’re gonna put an enchant on I’d maybe get the chest. Won’t matter too much tho


Good point! Thanks…appreciate it.

I think you can get shoulder with stone keeper shards so chest with emblems and shoulders with stone shards.

To wrap it all up.
Here is a good link:

Scroll down to see all prices. 2 sources - badges and stonekeeper shards you get from dungeons and some weekly quests.

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