WOTLK doesn't need RDF

You cant even read apparently, why disparage anyone as not being able to think for oneself?

I did think about this, a lot. I was on this very forum years ago with other classic players talking about how LFD sucked for an MMORPG and how we all hated it because of how damaging it ultimately ended up becoming.

But now Im brainwashed because 3 years after I said that a dev said the same thing all of us have been saying for more than a decade?

Youre the one bent out of shape here and on a crusade. Over nothing really. Whose sensitive again?

Please dont let me get in the way of your frenzied whining. Cleary the devs are crazy and youre just an innocent victim of developer tyranny. Lol.

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They loved it in Legion. Kinda their fault too.

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ya how’d that go over now, dev’s always know best right…

Well if WoW went down the crapper when it had LFD in it its at least somewhat of an educated guess that taking it out might do something different than flushing the toilet twice.

Yep which is why taking the easy excuse of “LFD bad” is going down the same route as retail.

Has blizzard announced any plans to address the issues LFD fixes?

Yes, youre getting a group tool like RDF minus the incentives and extra conveniences.

Again, they were working off of feedback that said this is great and we all love it. One expansion later the players said this sucks and we hate it. Poor devs, just always changing their minds about stuff.

What’ll be super funny is if they add the LFG Tool cross realm so everyone can mad.

This. People need to stop trying to turn Wrath into Vanilla. If you want Vanilla, then Classic Era servers are waiting for you.

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Really I only played BFA for a short bit and none of SL but still browsed the forums MMO champ etc , and they only loved it in Legion on how it was put in with the weapon (which at that point it was never clear it was just borrowed) so how was it looked out in BFA and SL? There was no feed back in BFA on it at all?

*btw I always vote legion as the worst in every survey - borrowed powers started - scaling - war powers - RSV to MSV. it’s when retail died for me.

Well I wont be mad but I would understand it if someone didnt love it.

It remains to be seen if we get anything. My money is on the retail tool that M+ users use (without the cross-realm bits), but who knows.

both zip and them seem to say that there was some official announcement on it, I’ve not seen it and Zip never answered with the link.

I think they were referring to the recent Birmingham interview on Wowhead. He mentions looking at other ways to design a tool that does a similar job as RDF.

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ya I know it was talks but ole Zip called someone a liar for someone saying there was never an announcement on what they were doing (I knew there were talks still but nothing set in stone just that they looking at other ways to do it even said that in another post that I read people saying he said they were thinking of ways on twitter).

not sure we’re looking at it = we have announced a solution.

Birmingham has tweeted and mentioned in interviews that they’re looking at the retail version for inspiration. I haven’t seen anything concrete or “official” official.

I remember your first time asking for a source and I gave you a direct link to the interview being mentioned.

You have hilariously selective forgetfulness.

It would be some epic level trolling from blizzard.

even the other poster above say it was just him “announcing” lol them looking at it not a solution maybe try harder.

not sure looking at it = a solution (maybe in your world).

Youre gonna get something. We know that much. What that exactly entails is still up for grabs.

There’s certainly enough information to speculate at the very least.