WOTLK doesn't need RDF

They said it won’t be in Wrath at all. That’s not an assumption.

However, then they said they’ll tinker with it and ‘improve’ it and who knows what the Hell that means. But do you have faith in 2022 Blizzard not to screw it up?

They had a winning formula. They have the biggest mmo ever designed for them already. All they had to do was release it like it was. And they couldn’t manage that.

Everyone is crying it isn’t going to be out at launch though regardless it came out towards the very but end of the expansion.

There is going to be a huge surge at the beginning of wrath. How long are people going to last when they either wait an hour to find a willing tank or pay for one like in TBC?

If they wait a year to add convenience (Dual spec, LFD) the lost subs won’t be there.

Launch class balancing is the 3.3.5 version, not launch version. So… why not have all it’s features?

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Because people want to experience the progression from patch to patch authentically.

With your logic, why don’t they just launch with ICC as well?

Listen, I could name dozens of systems in Vanilla and TBC that weren’t implemented until the end of the game’s lifetime but were there at the beginning of the Classic versions. So that argument is utterly irrelevant.

However, if Blizz chooses to do that, then that’s fine. And that seems to be the prevailing sentiment around here. Authenticity does matter and a lot of people value it. I think LFD should be there from the start (with some adjustments to the rewards), but if it’s not then it should definitely be added when it was originally. It’s that simple.

Here’s a better way of looking at a Wrath Classic server. Imagine it’s mid 2010 and Blizz adds a new server. That is what we’re playing. Really the only difference is they’re staggering content release. But are content and systems the same thing? Why put in some systems, but not others?

The when it gets added isn’t so much the issue. It’s the fact they removed it completely and announce some new and improved version of lfg. Which, quite frankly, doesn’t inspire a lot of hope. This is quintessential Blizzard making an issue where none existed to begin with.

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Because LFD doesn’t apply to just the ICC dungeons and has nothing ICC specific about it, it’s used for all wrath dungeons as well as earlier dungeons.

So yeah it’s very reasonable to want it at the start of the expansion.

What? It’s 15 year old content. There aren’t going to be any exciting discoveries on the line here.

Not my logic at all. Class balancing is set to 3.3.5, so they already tossed out the patch to patch progression you claim you want so bad. If you want Wrath like is was you should be mad as heck that by adding 3.3.5 balancing it’s deviating from the original progression.

You took a shot and ending up contradicting yourself in the same paragraph. Kind of impressive really.

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Listen I don’t think it should be released at launch, I wouldn’t be opposed for it to be released for classic vanilla dungeons however, but not for TBC and WOTLK dungeons. You also state about dozens of systems about systems being in at the beginning and calling that part of my discussion irrelevant, but it is relevant. This is the reason people were expecting it and making the assumption it would be in the game at launch. The real issue that people miss out is the fact that there is now a global channel that exists instead of using the current LFG system which I will say is garbage. So instead what would really make a difference would be the removal of world chat and instead put in dungeon listings where they are suppose to be done. If that happened then you could do all your quests and everything while waiting for a group would it not?

It isn’t reasonable and in fact isn’t intelligent by any factor to put it in at the beginning. It was originally put in to help gear alts or new characters catch up by easily finding groups along with helping out low pop servers.

There are going to be low pop servers at launch :stuck_out_tongue:

Since blizzard refuses to do anything about them.

And there will be pre wrath dungeons at launch as well.

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Listen I am all for putting it in for vanilla dungeons to help out the grouping for it, but there was free transfers for low pop servers awhile ago not to mention the low pop argument could be solved with the same thing as free transfers. No reason to punish players with putting it in because blizzard doesn’t want to deal with it. I dont think it should be in for TBC and WOTLK dungeons though.

I always thought it was an attempt to revive the Vanilla and TBC dungeons. By the time LFD was introduced, it was almost impossible to get one of these dungeons. I still think that judiciously implementing LFD for Classic (1-60) dungeons at launch would be hugely beneficial to people levelling alts.

By comparison, I couldn’t care less if they brought in LFD for Northrend (70-80) dungeons. I’ll be running them with or without LFD, just as I’m running Outlands dungeons now.

I agree with you on the 1-60

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That global channel filled up my Ignore list in 10 minute flat on Mankrik. It’s the stuff of nightmares. Yet this is Blizzard’s idea of socializing.

See, this is a big issue with these forums. People making assumptions based on absolutely nothing. Rob Pardo, one of the Lead Designers from Vanilla into Wrath, said in 2009 he wanted this kind of dungeon finder since the first day WoW launched. It doesn’t go against the spirit of Vanilla. It’s not anti-community. Late Wrath just happened to be when it was at the state to release. And no, that doesn’t mean it should be added to Vanilla or TBC. Or even necessarily at Wrath launch (though many other systems added later are). But it does mean it should 100% be at the latest added in with ICC.

Here’s the interview: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/five-years-of-warcraft-speaking-with-blizzards-rob-pardo/

Pertinent part…
To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.

As for the community question, I used to … I think that 5 years ago, I would have answered this question differently than I would today. I was all about preserving the small realm communities, but already… Well, look at Battlegrounds, it’s a good case in point, because it doesn’t diminish social relationships that matter on a realm. Sure, everyone can bring up “that one guy” that they know, the ninja looter who stole his stuff. But I think your real community isn’t the whole realm, but it’s your guild and the friends you group with, and the cross-server LFG won’t undermine that at all. The Dungeon Finder – by the way, I think we just renamed it the Dungeon Finder last night – We designed it in such a way that it serves the need for guilds and groups and friends. You don’t have to always [join a Pick-Up Group]. If there are four guildies in a group who just need a fifth, they can do that. You can also use it if even you have a full five-person party.

Or, you can do it if you’re on your own and just want to run something, so I don’t think it diminishes it at all.

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No I get it, however at the same time, it was stated that it was the biggest regret he ever put into the game.

TBC dungeons become low level dungeons in Wrath :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I know however I don’t think finding groups for them will be nearly as hard, and with the xp squish it should be really easy to cruise through TBC.

You are one of the main tanks in your guild, you’re decked out in tank gear and you’re are in a raiding guild. The LFD tank Q will not effect you in the slightest. You’re already have the social aspect of classic on easy mode.

What do you think you are personally going to lose out on?

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The spirit of the game of course.

That’s the first funny thing you’ve said.

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