WOTLK doesn't need RDF

That is not the goal for classic though. It’s a nice bonus of course but does not supercede other goals, which in this case is preserving certain social dynamics.

I’ve already made this clear to you.

They specifically cited retail for those who want the instant dungeon experience in the announcement. It was so blatant that, dungeon incentivization be damned, they have a goal for social aspects that is damaged by the inclusion of RDF, and are willing to sacrifice dungeon accessibility to achieve it.

Respect that, and make your choice, play or don’t.


It was the goal of wrath. When LFD was introduced.

The goal of classic is to recreate the game as it was.

Wrath, as it was, had LFD. In 3.3.0.


If they add RDF in ICC patch I’d have no problem with that.

There is a niche of players that get to have their cake and eat it too in this scenario.

Those that disliked RDF but also don’t mind it being added simply due to appreciating authenticity, pretty much win all around the board in that situation.

The goal for classic is to recreate the game, which in the case of Wrath includes LFD.


The idea that retail in it’s current state is where players should go to experience a single QoL feature - that was in the game - the game they want as it was, is unbelievably asinine.

People want to play wrath - as it was. Respect that, and make your choice, play or don’t.

If you don’t want LFD you should go play legacy/SoM/ find a TBC private.



We’re not asking for changes. We’re asking for wrath. As it was. With the system that was in wrath.

If you don’t like wrath you can just go to retail, or SoM instead of demanding changes to suit you.


Yep, and if blizzard was going to be doing something else instead of LFD to address the problems LFD addresses that would be great.

I would be totally fine with that. But just ignoring the problems is hardly an answer especially as they can no longer fall back on authenticity.

That’s when it was added in wrath and that’s when it should be added in wrath classic.


Should be but won’t. The classic WoW Dev team have 2 major problems.
1 - Extremely arrogant and stubborn and set in their ways (sound familiar to retail?)
2 - They believe that wrath classic should equal vanilla classic and have 0 of the QOL changes that made 12 million people play it. They want Wrath Classic to be Wrath with 0 changes that made it so popular and beloved. Which is a major problem and is going to backfire.

And most of those in favor of the RDF being removed were advocates of no changes and releasing the game as it was when first released. So who are the biggest hypocrites? The ones that were for some changes but don’t like this one or the ones who were for no changes and now decide this one is great?

Why you hate wrath?

Yes. That’s called #nochanges.

Which we know is a virtue Blizzard is not subscribing to for WOTLK-C.

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You don’t really believe this, do you? The safer and extremely obvious choice would have been not only to leave RDF in the game, but release it at launch.

Yeah, well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

All good.

My guess is they are just going to implement an improved LFG tool, and that’s it. Oh well better than nothing I guess.

Its kind of ironic. They are taking away RDF because it ‘led to retail’, then tell us if we want RDF to go play retail, THEN they tell us that they might give us a modded version of the LFG tool from retail.

Thats basically blizzard confirming that they don’t want to rebuild RDF for WOTLK, but will instead copy and paste some garbage system they use for mythic+ from retail.


Its got more to do with the client we play on tbh. Think of it like this:

Old WotLK was like your typical gas powered automobile.
The Classic client is a fully electric car. The LFD tool is an engine part from a 2009 Ford Taurus. When you try and install it into a Tesla it just won’t fit.

They probably don’t know how to make a new LFD work with the retail client we have in classic so they aren’t even bothering with it. Is it dumb? Sure. Was the excuse they gave lame? Yeah

I don’t think it has anything to do with denying us QoL features at all. It’s all about the cost to create a new LFD that is only going to be around for a fraction of WotLK because the Cata version was different.

People seem to praise it, have you used it? It sounds loads better than the tool right now in TBC classic.

One reason I quit retail is I couldn’t find a guild with a focus on mythic+ dungeons. I prefer dungeons to raids. I tried to use the mythic system in retail to find groups and found it rarely worked.

That seems like a really big guess.

But I will agree to the fact that if they aren’t planning on adding it, they wouldn’t have to bother touching it