(Wotlk Classic) Wintergrasp Vehicle Disconnect Bug

Sometimes when trying to build a vehicle, you’ll disconnect the moment you hop in. After reconnecting (and for the rest of the Wintergrasp match) you’ll be able to move around the map but cannot cast or mount. The game thinks you’re still in the vehicle bay even if, on your screen, your standing in the middle of the fortress. Other players (friendly or enemy) can’t see that you’re moving or interact with you. Enemies have made it into the vehicle bay and killed me before, even though I wasn’t actually standing there on my screen. This bug has happened three times now and it basically breaks the game for however long the match goes on for.


I am getting this in the Drake Hodir Dailies as well.

This happened to me today in wintergrasp.

Disconnected upon building a Siege, logged back in and was unable to mount or interact with anyone who was far from the workshop where I was. My character appeared to be stationary at the spot where I disconnected even though on my end I could move around. Total loss of control of my character.

Spent the entire game standing in the workshop DC’ing multiple times trying to jump into sieges rolling on top of me (Entering those DC’d me aswell).

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This just happened to me too, been happening for the last week. And I have no idea how to stop it!


bumping bug is still alive

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This has happened several times to me. Extremely frustrating.

If I’m lucky and log back in having died, I can keep playing normally. If I’m not dead though, I can’t do anything other than spells/effects/mounts that affect myself for the rest of the game. The enemy players don’t even seem to be able to see me (I was running at them basically begging for death lol).

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Bug is still ruining a good 30% of my WGs. Literally unplayable once it happens as you are DC’d and locked in the same place for the rest of the BG.

It basically splits your client character position from your sever character position, and locks you in place server-side. You can freely roam but your actually location stays where you DC’d until you die (sometimes) or get teleported out at BG end.

It’s still not fixed. This is ridiculous!

still not fixed

Still not fixed

Annoying bug, not fixed.

Just happened to me. Extremely frustrating bug.

still not fixed :smiley:

Bug is still not fixed.

Getting this bug with a quest “The storm king’s Vengeance”. Instantly DC after trying to use abilities.


bug still not fixed :frowning:

Happened to me twice in the last two days, Come on blizz.

Still an issue. What a joke, Blizzard’s interns can’t work on this one, I guess

Still not fixed

ditto to what everyone else was saying.